Nokia Smack Down of the iPhone 5c!!!

I can't believe this is what Apple is coming out with... it just floors me. For a company that was pushing innovation and some inventive products very early on, the best they can come out with are some cheap plastic covers to strap onto the existing iPhone 5 internals. Even the colors look drab and without life. Gold.. really like having an iPhone alone wasn't already screaming "I got more money than I need" but this just outright brags.

How about that awesome camera... thats almost nearly identical to last years but still boasts to being the most "popular" camera. Popularity is the only contest Apple can win now? Its disgraceful to Apple and their customers.

While I have in the past owned Apple products, today was yet another reminder why I made the right choice to switch back to MS products and software. I see the vision for Windows Phone / Windows 8 integration and I look forward to its unified implementation (though I wish development was a bit faster). Yet I've always enjoyed watching the Apple unveilings every year, something like Christmas for the tech world... even if you're not into Apple. Sadly this year, Santa disappointed.
steve jobs died
steve jobs died
pretty much sums it up right there. Apple has plenty of innovative and very competent people working for them. Will they ever be like they were when jobs was running the company though? Probably not. I think the 5C is really the winner of the show just because apple has needed to go to budget phone territory forever. The 5S looks kinda meh, I mean the fingerprint scanner is a really cool and useful touch, but I could only see myself using it to unlock the phone and that would be it. They really should have done a complete redesign on the phone though. iOS 7 looks nice, but it doesn't look very cohesive to me as far as its design goes, it looks like the mashed together BBOS10, WP8, Android, and iOS 6 but it looks like a hodgepodge of ideas coming together instead of a more cohesive OS like WP.
Apple copied them with their ipod touch and ios 7 and now the iphone? wow! epic win for Nokia love them!
The colors of the 5C don't even look good. Pastels?? Barf.

I found this article this morning which has a couple nice nods to Nokia. Note the statements in bold.
Google Laughs at the New iPhones

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Google's (GOOG_) management team is dancing around its new KitKat statue today, having dodged what could have been a competitive bullet or two from Apple TICKER TYPE="EQUITY" SYMBOL="APPL"/>, such as a new iWatch, iTV or even a new laptop. For heaven's sake, they didn't even announce a new iPad!

There was nothing new from Apple today that stops Google's market share march forward.

Another company that's having a field day today: Nokia. Apple's new iPhone 5C is seemingly a flawless copy of the Nokia 620 that's already been available for several months.

Oh, and the price of that Nokia 620 is approximately half that of the iPhone 5C.

Fingerprint sensor? You mean the same thing I got on my Dell (DELL_) laptop in 2007? And on the Motorola (MSI_) Atrix Android smartphone in January 2011? If Apple's latest claim to fame is to having copied a Dell 2007 laptop and a January 2011 Motorola smartphone, then Apple is in trouble.

Which is why Google is celebrating today.

Google's Android and Chrome teams were already nicely ahead of Apple's iOS team in terms of service integration, customization, ease of use and ability to ship a given grade of hardware at a much lower price. Over the next few months, Google's Android and Chrome teams now look to extend their existing lead over Apple.

Over the next months, Google will introduce Android OS version 4.4 KitKat, a slew of new Chromebook laptops starting around $199, a Chromepad (touchscreen Chrome OS tablet) and next summer the first Chromephone (Chrome OS replacing Android on the smartphone). The pace of innovation at Google is simply faster than it is at Apple these days.

Even before Google unveils these new initiatives, look at how far Google is ahead of Apple in the smartphone race: At $549 unlocked for the iPhone 5C, it is $300 more than Google's flagship smartphone, the LG Nexus 4, which sells for $249 SIM-unlocked, contract-free.

And the iPhone 5C only has only a four-inch screen, compared to the Nexus 4.7-inch screen. The Nexus also has a 768x1280 screen resolution, meaningfully higher than the iPhone 5C and 5S alike.

In another move of capitulation -- not just copying Nokia's design and the age-old fingerprint sensor of Windows laptops and Android smartphones -- Apple went ahead and copied Google's free productivity suite: Word processor, spreadsheet and presentation software. This has been free from Google for years: Google Docs and Google Drive. Now it's free from Apple too. But is it nearly as good as Google's?

Back to the plastic iPhone 5C for a moment: Isn't the point about this kind of plastic that it's supposed to be relatively scratch-resistant, compared to the regular iPhone 5? No sooner did Apple show the 5C, before it also introduced cases for it.

Gee, that's a sign of confidence! NOT.

For those of you who have recent Samsung (SSNLF) smartphones, whether the 2011 Galaxy Nexus or the newer Galaxy S3 and S4 models, you know that they are resistant to scratches and don't require special cases. Have you seen anyone using a Samsung with a case around it? Me neither.

Apple has many dilemmas. The biggest among them is that it's facing Android and Chrome competition from so many hardware players who move very quickly and with great diversity. You can get pretty much any kind of Android smartphone you want, in any size, with or without keyboard, stylus, this-or-that kind of camera, and so forth.

The other problem is price. Apple's products are priced well above Google's.

For example, the cheapest Apple laptop is $999. For $999, you can get one Google laptop, one Google smartphone, and one Google tablet and still have $322 left! Here is how it all breaks down:

LG Nexus 4: $249 + Asus Nexus 7: $299 + Acer Chromebook: 199 = $747

So Apple is many times more expensive, just for the hardware. On top of that, Apple encourages you to buy an extended service plan, so that you can feel more comfortable on your weekly trek to the Apple store. This service plan can cost anywhere from $99 to $349 for each of your Apple devices.

Indeed, the Apple stores are very nice. The nicest stores of any kind. Basically, they're all museums of modern art.

And Apple's customer service is the best in the business. No bones about it. It sure beats all the old places that used to sell Windows PCs, such as Best Buy. (BBY_).

But you know what's better than the best customer service in the world? No need for customer service in the first place, that's what.

This is what Google offers with Android and Chrome. Google doesn't need stores for customer service, because their products don't require any customer service. They're so easy to use, and they don't fail. Synchronization is automatic. There is nothing complicated to set up!

Look, Apple's hardware is pretty good. It's beautiful stuff, and it's quality. In other words, just like Nokia. Apple just happens to have far more apps, which is the crucial difference.

However, when compared to Google, which has just as many apps as Apple does, Apple suddenly falls short. The products cost many times more, and they're not as easy to use, requiring visits to special stores -- and extra warranties.

If these two new iPhone 5 models is all that Apple has, Google will now run all over Apple in the coming months.

At the time of publication, the author was long GOOG and AAPL,and short MSFT.

This article is commentary by an independent contributor, separate from TheStreet's regular news coverage.
Apple stock price is gonna to get a bloody rout when NYSE opens in 15 mins time. Pre-market trading just showed AAPL dropped another $20.
The Anal-ysts are very disappointed with Apple launch. ��
The 5C was the only thing I was just a bit interested in (for my daughter) namely because I had heard that it was supposed to be a budget device.

But this price is ridiculous, I could buy 4-5 Lumia 520 off contract for that.

Now back to work trying to convince her that she is actually much better off with a Lumia.

Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk

My daughter was the same way. Just HAD to have an iPhone on the grounds that "every one else has one" and all the popular teen apps are on it.

My wife and I got our Lumia 920s and my daughter played around a bit and couldn't wait until her phone was eligible for an upgrade. As soon as it was, she had the date in her calender, she dumped the iPhone and got a 920. Since school started, at least three of her friends have dumped their iPhones for Lumias and others are thinking about it.

The biggest thing, not one complaint about missing apps.
My daughter was the same way. Just HAD to have an iPhone on the grounds that "every one else has one" and all the popular teen apps are on it.

My wife and I got our Lumia 920s and my daughter played around a bit and couldn't wait until her phone was eligible for an upgrade. As soon as it was, she had the date in her calender, she dumped the iPhone and got a 920. Since school started, at least three of her friends have dumped their iPhones for Lumias and others are thinking about it.

The biggest thing, not one complaint about missing apps.

That a beautiful story!
You know I don't really care what Apple does but it's gonna boil me up everytime whenever I pull out my lime green 620 in front of some noobs, someone's going to say "IT'S THAT THE NEW IPHONE 5C?!!". ARRRGGHH!!! D*mn you Apple!!!
To be honest this a really good way of showing off your Windows Phone device. Apple did us all a favour by copying the luminosity of the Lumia and more people will pick a Lumia up thinking it is the new fruityPhone and be charmed by what they see. Hell, some of them might even BUY one thinking it IS the 5C

Well played Apple. Your popularity will be your undoing :winktongue:
I think Apple is pretty smart. They know that they can sell any phone at any price, and consumers will be all over it! Of course you need to add something marginally useful like a fingerprint reader, which my HP iPaq with WM had on it years ago, but this time it's innovation at its finest.
Well they did copy first, with the Lumia 800 and 900. It was the 2nd gen nano. But I do like how they put it.
to be fair, they are pretty ugly, I mean, did they have to use dots? They couldn't have just made solid cover? I mean, I will give props to samsung, something that I never do, but at least their screen cover thing that inserts into the back plate of the phones look unobtrusive, these covers just look ugly.
I'm happy to announce that I have crafted another wallpaper based on Nokia's second tweet. Only for gangsters.

Da Gangsta.jpg

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