[Noob Aleet] 2 FA cross platform app


WPCentral Question

Consider me as the toddler when it comes to Windows phone. Just couple of days I bought 640 XL so I'm totally nee to this ecosystem without any prior engagement.
So moving straight to my question now, is there any cross platform 2 factor authentication app which syncs with the version of app installed on other platforms/mobiles?
I also own Nexus 5 and nor often than not I am switching back and forth so I need an app that manages this.
I read on Authy's website that they do not have any plans for Windows Phone.

Can good folks of this forum guide me through this? Your help is much appreciated.

WPCentral Question

Consider me as the toddler when it comes to Windows phone. Just couple of days I bought 640 XL so I'm totally nee to this ecosystem without any prior engagement.
So moving straight to my question now, is there any cross platform 2 factor authentication app which syncs with the version of app installed on other platforms/mobiles?
I also own Nexus 5 and nor often than not I am switching back and forth so I need an app that manages this.
I read on Authy's website that they do not have any plans for Windows Phone.

Can good folks of this forum guide me through this? Your help is much appreciated.


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User please do not post your question multiple times. It does not help you get a faster or more clear answer. It actually works against you as any advice gets scattered and one respondent might not see the groundwork another has laid down to focus in on a solution.

You will have to join the site to get a reply button and be able to respond in this thread.

Your question is very broad and somewhat vague.

What App or Apps are you asking about? Gmail? Yes 2 step authentication of a Gmail Account works through the stock email App. If you are asking about something other... It is not immediately clear from what you posted above.


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Apr 11, 2015
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Cross Platform 2 Factor Authentication App

Hello, this is a repost of my earlier question. (I was on mobile at that time and accidently I posted the question twice.)

So here is the question -
I just bought Lumia 640 XL couple of days back. And I also have Nexus 5. Wherever possible I have enabled 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) on sites like Lastpass, Google, Outlook, Facebook. On my Nexus 5, I used Authy since it syncs the PINs across platforms. But Authy is not available for Windows Phone as per their official reply.
I tried few apps from Windows Phone Store but none of those were able to sync cross platform, meaning, either I have to install 2FA code generator app on my Windows Phone or on Android. I don't want it cause many times, I won't be caring both the phones around with me and taking backup codes or setting new phone each time is really a pain.

So is there any alternate solution to Authy on Windows Phone which will let me sync 2FA codes across Windows as well as Android?

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