Not enough focus on Win8 apps?

C LaBelle

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Jan 16, 2013
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I have a WP8 (NL 920) and a Win8 tablet and I love them both. I've noticed a larger gain of support for WP8 apps both games and utilities alike. I haven't seen as big of support for Win8 apps though. I would love to see more apps from the WP8 move over to Win8, specifically more utility apps such as a battery meter, address book, etc. WP8 is picking up steam, I'd like to see Win8 do the same, or am I just missing it?


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May 21, 2013
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I agree with this. Today my wife and I were at a coffee shop with our Surface RT and she said, "Hey, let's play a board game on the Surface. How about Carcassonne [because we usually play Carcassonne on our Windows Phones]". I had to regretfully tell her that there is no Carcassonne yet on Windows 8/RT. She said, "Okay, well how about a different board game?" So we searched the store for other board games: nothing. No Settlers of Catan, no Risk, not even Monopoly. This is a huge pity as the Surface would be a great device for board games, Xbox branded.


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Aug 10, 2011
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Honestly, now I really do wish that Microsoft used Windows Phone as the full basis for Metro on Windows 8/RT. Sure, it should have the added power of Windows RT as we know it today, but the apps should have been the same, albeit with tablet-specific APIs coming abound whenever in use on a Surface. Would have been brilliant IMO.

C LaBelle

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Jan 16, 2013
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It's not so much that there aren't all the official apps, I'm looking for more useful apps. Apps that will keep me productive and help get things done. It's moving in the right direction and growing I just wished things were a bit more refined. I agree that WP8 apps should migrate to Win8. It would be awesome if every app for my phone was available on my tablet so when at home or work I can accomplish the same thing on either device. A good example of this is OneNote, Calendars, and Skydrive. I can open OneNote on my phone and make a note, then hop over to my tablet and bam! It's there too! I'd like to see the same thing for Contacts. The People app has 90% of the work already there, I'd like to just add in my info from my contacts list to make it a bit more complete. The music app on Win8 needs to be the same and integrate better with the music app on my phone. I wish I could sync my phone and tablet with the music app that's on the tablet (I can plug my phone in no problem, or better yet wifi sync!). The Windows Phone app on the tablet is pretty much worthless, it needs to be combined with the Music app.


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Sep 6, 2013
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I want an app for my bank account (my wife's Android has one), I want Garmin Connect for my Phone (my wife's Android has one),....

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