Some complain the need of Notification Center, others say that is not necessary, specially because the live tiles, but here what I think:
My opinion: Me tile always worked for the notifications for me, specially because I only use Facebook and Twitter. I never understand why they complain about FB notifications on the app, specially because me tile worked for me nearly real time.
I guess Microsoft could work to improve Me Tile even better, get another apps to drop their notifications there (a kind of lenses integration). Imagine Skype and other apps, even e-mails, dropping the notifications on me tile, much better that just copy from iOS and Android notifications. Me Tile wil gather all the notifications, not only from FB or Twitter. I guess it would better solution following the windows phone concepts
My opinion: Me tile always worked for the notifications for me, specially because I only use Facebook and Twitter. I never understand why they complain about FB notifications on the app, specially because me tile worked for me nearly real time.
I guess Microsoft could work to improve Me Tile even better, get another apps to drop their notifications there (a kind of lenses integration). Imagine Skype and other apps, even e-mails, dropping the notifications on me tile, much better that just copy from iOS and Android notifications. Me Tile wil gather all the notifications, not only from FB or Twitter. I guess it would better solution following the windows phone concepts