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- Nov 16, 2016
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Delete them and redo it. This happened to me once already. I think I ended up deleting them, rebooting, and pasting again.
sent by mTalk
You are quite right: dragging works. Thanks.
Delete them and redo it. This happened to me once already. I think I ended up deleting them, rebooting, and pasting again.
sent by mTalk
Originally posted by Kogling
I dont get why this should be an issue of needing a "regional" build variant, but rather just a small policy database?
Can't be that hard to use the last GPS locational to pull up regional limits like date and time.
Just saw this. I copied (using a Windows 10 PC) some of my Blackberry notifications, my Samsung ringtones, and one of the alarms from my 950xl. All is working fine. My ear is accustomed to the Blackberry notifications, even though my 6230 died several years ago.Did someone try to add other ringtones to the phone?. I was able to put new ones into the device ringtones folder, but they are not available in the sounds personalization menu.
Originally posted by Nate W
I was able to gain access to the file system on my X3 and found the files for the shutter and video start stop sounds. But I don't have the access yet to modify that directory or much of anything on c:\, but I am still looking into it. When mounted as mtp the files are located under This PC\HP Elite X3\Phone\Windows\Media - which equates to c:\windows\media.
I copied all the files to my pc and silenced all of them with an audio editing program. If I figure out a way to copy/move back to this directory in place of the originals, I let you know, or write up a tutorial.
The problem is I am not sure how I gained access to c:\ via MTP. I used interoptools to enable this, but it did not work at first. It is possible it required a reboot...
Just for reference the files included in the X3 c:\windows\media folder are named below:
10/14/2016 12:17 PM 4,592 aflock.wav
10/14/2016 12:14 PM 2,116 Focus0_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:12 PM 2,380 Focus1_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:12 PM 1,930 Focus2_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:13 PM 2,296 Focus3_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:13 PM 2,138 Focus4_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:13 PM 31,770 GoBack_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:13 PM 30,680 Hide_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:13 PM 24,490 Invoke_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:12 PM 15,478 MoveNext_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:13 PM 17,664 MovePrevious_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:13 PM 39,512 Show_22050hz.raw
10/14/2016 12:17 PM 8,806 shutter.wav
10/14/2016 12:16 PM 2,312 shutterstart.wav
10/14/2016 12:17 PM 2,392 shutterstop.wav
10/14/2016 12:17 PM 2,312 videostart.wav
10/14/2016 12:17 PM 2,392 videostop.wav
UPDATE: Just an update/correction more or less..While browsing the file system and the customization xml files, I also found there to be a second key that is under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Photos\OEM. It's the ShutterSoundUnlocked key. It's of course set to 0. This enables disables the ShuttersSoundUI key originally mentioned to even be used.
I absolutely do _not_ see that screen at all. Wondering if I have the wrong version of the Interop app installed or something. I tried going back to the 1.9 version from XDA, but it didn't seem to want to install properly so just stuck w/ the "current" version you can get from the store (and downloading/installing all of the dependencies). I still had to interop unlock to get access to write to the registry for that value. I could read it, but writing didn't work until interop unlock.
Did you just download the 1.9 version from somewhere in that set of threads and sideload that or did you use something else? Wondering if the "tweaks" were removed post-1.9.
Finally got around to working on the HP again. Got the LED light to work for is blue.