Now Cortana can't play music if phone is locked, needs to be fixed

Any hope this gets fixed for Creator's Update, guys?

Your original post said: "In the car, through bluetooth, and with headphones, I asked Cortana to play music and the screen now says that I have to unlock the phone." I'm not able to test that actual scenario, but on my 950 on 15063.0 with the phone locked I can say "Hey Cortana, play <artist name>", then that artist's songs start playing. There's no request to unlock the phone beforehand.
I've had a problem since the last update for production (or at least that's when I noticed it, could be the last couple of updates).

In the car, through bluetooth, and with headphones, I asked Cortana to play music and the screen now says that I have to unlock the phone. Actually the same happens in any way to invoke Cortana, though it's obviously more noticeable in those cases.

This is INSANELY wrong, as I obviously couldn't reach and perform the Hello check or punch my password while I'm driving or when the phone is in my pocket. Before this, in the exact same situations the phone would just play my requested music without unlocking it.

I don't know why this changed but this needs to be fixed ASAP. It makes no sense from a security standpoint, since you still can send messages and call people without unlocking the phone, or do all the rest of the Cortana commands, but you can't play your music? As if it was a security risk or something.

I hate it when they break things that were working before. They better fix it, can anyone tell me if this works right in the newest Insider builds???

Having the same issue here - up until last week I had been using 'Play my music' loads in the car via my 950XL which is on the production ring and now on Creators Update. For a few days now this has not worked and today I tried it on my laptop (same Creators Update) and it also doesn't work, Cortana tells me she can't play music right now and to try disconnecting Groove...

All I do know is that a few days ago I clicked the 4 month trial for Groove but didn't go for it, could this have been related to my issue? It seems that since that point, Cortana doesn't 'play my music' via speech, however she will play my music if I type 'play my music' which is really weird logic.
So I finally got the official Creators Update for my 950 XL, and I'm happy to report that this issue seems to have been fixed.

I now can ask Cortana to play music through my headphone mic while my phone is on my pocket, locked, and without the need to take it out and unlock it.

Same through Bluetooth, I can ask her to play music through my car stereo without having to unlock it. Just how it used to work before, and definitely just how it should always work.

I'll try changing the topic heading to reflect that it's solved, but I'll keep an eye for the thread in case something goes back to being weird.

Thanks everybody for the feedback, I feel this is a small battle we won, but an earned victory nonetheless.

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