I'm a former TMO rep.Right, which would require the 2-yr contract.
Yep, not too bad. I'll quickly find out just how good/bad the throttling is. But if the T-Mo guy says he can stream Netflix even when throttled, it can't be that bad.
As for data speeds after that 100 mb....trust me on this....you are not going to be able to stream netflix or let alone anything on youtube.
I can't tell you how many times I had customers come into the store complaining about how they can't even get onto Facebook or if they do.....it takes forever....and I as soon as I get into their account and notice they have been throttle back.....they complain like crazy.
I'm in Chicago and we have great speeds here and being throttled back here....its slow. At times it would seem even slower than EDGE.
Good luck though. If it doesn't work out at 100mb you could go up $10 more a month and get 2gig plan.