Sometimes I feel that MS uses us WP users to test their apps, and then share the final result with our enemies, I think the same will happen to Cortana eventually!!!
Correct me.
1) I really wish people would drop the war and enemies garbage around here, or the moderators would make some effort to control it. There is more than enough of that in the world. This is not a war, it is business and nothing more. Beyond that, anything that minimizes the horror of actual war makes it easier for people to rationalize it is okay.
2) What part of Microsoft is a services company have you missed in the passed few years? Yes, everything will go to the other platforms since that is key to the business model.
3) Cortana is already going to ios and Android later this year. There is no secret about that at all.
There is no benefit to developing desirable apps and services and then locking them to a platform with a tiny market share. No one is dropping their iPhone or Galaxy whatever because they want Office Lens or any other app. People mostly like their devices - simple fact of life. As a business, Microsoft needs its services in as many hands as possible. In spite of occasional sentiments around here, the "I am taking my toys and going home" model seldom works on a playground among pre-teens and certainly never works in business....