That's all well and good. What you will have is a non-final version of WP10 (it's Tech Preview not Developers Preview; huge difference) running on Black firmware.
Developers Preview is the final release that is sent to carriers and developers. Tech Preview is not a final release and is NOT ready for release to the carriers and developers. You're essentially becoming testers for Microsoft.
Actually not entirely true. The Tech Preview is just the beginning. I am sure they will release Dev Preview as well
Which just as with 8.1 is a final release.
And thankfully they did that, otherwise we would all still be stuck on a really OLD OS version for absolutely no reason whatsoever
except the fact that a carrier wants to hold it's customers hostage to buying a new device, and dictating WHICH device that actually is.
this favoritism and fascism is bull****. VZW are demonstrably guilty.
Trust me, the first Service Provider to open and start selling all devices available and not holding updates back for no reason,
I will be the first to jump to them.
As for Firmware, Denim (if we ever do get it) will be the final firmware anyway for Icon.
I personally have no issues with my Pocket Device that Happens to be able to make Phone Calls (PDHPC).
I just want the additional features as promised.
I am sure there will be bugs in Win10 Tech Preview, no doubt about it. I will still try it till I can't use it.
If that makes me a tester for MS for free, so be it, it's really not for nothing,
When you consider the price of the OS itself if you had to actually pay for it.
think about that one for a while.
In an ideal world, that'd be great. And I'm sure in the future it'll be a real possibility. Particularly as the FCC continues to weigh in on network & band types. Smartphones need to be recognized and treated as what they truly are, pocket pc's. They're not simply phones anymore. I think unlocked universal devices will be the norm soon in the US. That said, I don't think this is nearly as big a step towards that end as you think it is.
Appreciate your post, man. But just so you know, I find it really challenging to understand your posts with all of the quotation marks, exclamation points, and capitalizations.
I think this is going to happen a lot sooner than you think.
People need to do more in this area themselves. but they won't cause they are too complacent in where they are now.