Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Another thing to think of is that Microsoft has patch Tuesday, but I've never seen any of my computers get their updates until Thursday or Friday. Sometimes even as late as Monday. Its entirely possible that they could push the update on a Tuesday and it could take several days for everyone to receive it. Its also entirely possible there never will be an update.

I usually get mine on Tues. Though I can see how it can seem like Thurs/Friday. For people who have their systems set up to check automatically, most times the update will install without any prompting. If it requires a restart, the system will restart on its own within 24-48 hours after getting the update depending on the criticality of the update.
One thing I really hate about patch tuesday on windows 8 is how stupid it is. So it updates automatically and then warns me I have 3 days to restart. I have a yoga 2 pro and I let it sleep if I'm not using it. 5 days later (not 3) it interupts what I'm doing and demands a restart. Why can't it say "Oh wait a sec you're trying to sleep? This would be a good time to restart!" but no it doesn't' do that. Windows 7 on the other hand notices that I've been idle for ~8 hours and says oh yeah this is a great time to restart while you're not using the computer. I hate the fact that it closes open programs, but I at least prefer this method.
If you're looking for someone official to complain to you can try this: Region Leadership | Verizon Wireless

The good news: They actually do call you back (yes, I was surprised, too) and pretty quickly at that.
The bad news: They say they don't know anything either, but you will have someone to rant to.
Eh, It said it was a critical update that would be installed whether I like it or not by 10/27. But it's 8.10.14192.280 Preview For Developers Update. So nothing from Verizon looks like.

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