Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Quick question, I know there was a bug that shows Denim in the Extras + info screen. I just got a used Icon off ebay, reset it and loaded DP. After all the updates a factory reset, and a couple reboots my extras + info shows Cyan. Is this the same bug that was showing Denim? I assume so since it sounds like they aren't going to ship Cyan for some time yet.
Quick question, I know there was a bug that shows Denim in the Extras + info screen. I just got a used Icon off ebay, reset it and loaded DP. After all the updates a factory reset, and a couple reboots my extras + info shows Cyan. Is this the same bug that was showing Denim? I assume so since it sounds like they aren't going to ship Cyan for some time yet.

Can you post a screenshot of your extras+info page?

I personally have not heard of phones showing "Cyan" by error. Only "Denim." But I suppose it's possible.
I can't find any settings to turn on double tap but Im not tsaying I didn't miss it somewhere. Any other features to look for?
The easiest way to find out is posting the firmware version from the about section. Also since you've recently bought the phone, download an app called SysApp Pusher and download/update all Nokia system apps using it
The easiest way to find out is posting the firmware version from the about section. Also since you've recently bought the phone, download an app called SysApp Pusher and download/update all Nokia system apps using it

Yes. The firmware version is what counts. 1028.3566.1417.0047 is what is most current official version. Can you screen shot your about screen?
I understand but 3,4 or 5 months to fix bugs???

imho I bet this whole update situation and squashing bugs with 8.1/cyan on the network with the Icon could have been dealt with months ago but the main reason we are waiting this long is because Verizon has devoted minimal resources to work on anything to do with WP

Do you realize how many lines of code a developer has to go through?
Do you realize how many lines of code a developer has to go through?
as I said I understand, my point was that it was taking 4-5 months for them to fix these bugs/update was more likely imho a result of what a low priority Verizon considers anything to do with WP than the complexity of the code
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Cyan firmware for the icon will probably be something like 02061.00086.14405.24010. At least that's what mine is showing.
I'd just look at the Build Creation date a bit lower down the page. Black is 4/24/14
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Yes. The firmware version is what counts. 1028.3566.1417.0047 is what is most current official version. Can you screen shot your about screen?

Yep, that is what I have. Looks like this is the same bug that was showing Denim,though mine doesn't go away despite multiple reboots. Oh well, I will keep hoping for the real thing to be released.
At least my Microsoft Band works without Cyan or Denim. I have been waiting patiently for BT4 for my Fitbit, now I don't care as much.

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