Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Ok. I've had fun here at times to ease the frustration, but it's time I dip my toe in the speculation pool once again. This may show my hand, but it all starts with a question:

Has Verizon ever released a major OS update (not firmware only) within a year of a phone's release?
ios7--->ios8=Major update
Android 4.4-->5.0= Major update
WP8--->WP8.1=Major update.

I'd say its a jump from the .1's to the whole number ups. Just my idea of a major update. (excluding good ol Microsoft)
What is your definition of a major O/S update?

Good question. What is considered a MAJOR OS update; and does it include firmware? For IOS it's an easy answer. For WP and Android, that question is more complicated. The OS is controlled by Microsoft and Google respectively, but the firmware is controlled by the OEMs. With Microsoft now in the OEM business too. How do you separate the OS from the firmware; and can you without comprising the functionality of the device as well as the security and stability of the networks those devices connect to?
ios7--->ios8=Major update
Android 4.4-->5.0= Major update
WP8--->WP8.1=Major update.

I'd say its a jump from the .1's to the whole number ups. Just my idea of a major update. (excluding good ol Microsoft)

Yes, this is what I meant by the question.
Whatever the problem, it seems to be hardware related, specifically CDMA. I remember somebody posting on the old "Official 8.1/Cyan for the Icon" thread something about the CDMA radio was pinging the network too often. That is definitely a FIRMWARE problem.

Then why does the 822 & the 928 have Denim and they are on the CDMA network? How is it their issue is resolved while Icon's issue isn't? Is the Icon using a totally different CDMA radio than the 822 & 928 uses?
Then why does the 822 & the 928 have Denim and they are on the CDMA network? How is it their issue is resolved while Icon's issue isn't? Is the Icon using a totally different CDMA radio than the 822 & 928 uses?

As I don't know for sure, it's very possible, newer phone, newer chipset....

Only way we could know for sure, if someone knew the exact chipset used for CDMA and opened both phones to see if they are different....

Not sure that this would help at this point, with a Early 2015 release said, I would bet it's finished but, in testing at this point...

The big question is, will we get Windows 10 for phone before we get Denim ? (rumor is 21st on 10 preview)
I don't buy this. The 928 got Denim and its fine.

Then why does the 822 & the 928 have Denim and they are on the CDMA network? How is it their issue is resolved while Icon's issue isn't? Is the Icon using a totally different CDMA radio than the 822 & 928 uses?
As I don't know for sure, it's very possible, newer phone, newer chipset....

Only way we could know for sure, if someone knew the exact chipset used for CDMA and opened both phones to see if they are different....

Not sure that this would help at this point, with a Early 2015 release said, I would bet it's finished but, in testing at this point...

The big question is, will we get Windows 10 for phone before we get Denim ? (rumor is 21st on 10 preview)

What would be hilarious is if we don't, and they release the Win 10 preview, but only make it available for Cyan or higher. At this point, that would not shock me.
Whatever the problem, it seems to be hardware related, specifically CDMA. I remember somebody posting on the old "Official 8.1/Cyan for the Icon" thread something about the CDMA radio was pinging the network too often. That is definitely a FIRMWARE problem.

That was me, and I haven't heard anything new from my friend at Verizon. Last I heard the business systems he's set up that went all windows were getting pissed and he didn't have any information for them.
Then why does the 822 & the 928 have Denim and they are on the CDMA network? How is it their issue is resolved while Icon's issue isn't? Is the Icon using a totally different CDMA radio than the 822 & 928 uses?

I don't think it's a CDMA problem because we see other lumias running fine with Denim

imho it still all points back to Verizon having little interest in the WP platform, retiring phones early with no explanation, completely removing selling lumias online, massively delayed updates, misinformation or lack of knowledge of WP when you visit a VZW retail store, and many other examples on these forums and others of how Verizon has systematically maligned anything to do with WP

I have no idea how Microsoft can overcome the hurdles Verizon has in place against WP to gain any traction on the largest/fastest cellular network in the US
Well, since my post may have gotten lost in the mix, let me explain where I was going:

I don't think Verizon has released a major OS update within the first year of releasing a phone. It may be some draconian practice that is just part of who they are, even if it makes no sound business sense.

So, because of that, I'm annoyed to think that we won't see this update before the 21st of February but that's where I'm leaning now.

For the record, though it could've been complete coincidence, this time last year during the Icon release delay, I had guestimated that it was due to some weird 3-month exclusivity on the 1520 and lo-and-behold the Icon came out almost 3 months to the day of the 1520's release on AT&T.

Coincidence? Definitely possible. But I guess my point is that there are probably completely, nonsensical business reasons why these things are happening that we are not and will never be privy to unless someone breaks confidentiality.

So, last week of February is my expectation now. Hope I'm wrong ...
All I can see is that a company that has promised it's customers a service and has failed to complete the above mentioned service is as far as I know the poorest of customer service and when given the opportunity we may want to look at moving to a better quality of service. That is just my opinion and I have been with Verizon for going on 11 years, so I am kicking myself each day I keep staying with them...
I've said it before, this talk of CDMA problems is ridiculous. CDMA isn't some new mysterious technology. It's already fine and working in all phones, including the Icon. I can almost guarantee that that part of the code isn't even touched in these updates.
I don't think Verizon has released a major OS update within the first year of releasing a phone. It may be some draconian practice that is just part of who they are, even if it makes no sound business sense.

Never attribute to malevolence what you can attribute to ignorance. It's not a draconian practice, it's not even indifference. They just have no clue what they are doing.

Neither perspective grants much confidence in their capabilities.
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