Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

As for everyone railing against Verizon, keep in mind that they do all of this, for YOU.

Found the Verizon employee.

But in all seriousness, it's been nearly a year since a VERY functional WP8.1 Developer Preview has been out for Windows Phone. The Nokia Lumia 930, which is the Icon's international doppelganger, has been out for nine months. And it's very functional.

We've heard this "working out the bugs" argument so many times. It's tired, worn out, and simply exhausted.

By the way - Welcome to Windows Central! Glad to have you here. Even if I firmly disagree with your sentiment.
I think it's really too bad that you have this frame of mind. The fact of the matter is that it's already been announced, and confirmed among major cellular carriers including Verizon, that this update will be arriving in early February. So be a little more patient, because the Icon will be getting Cortana in the next few weeks.

where did you read that? early February , is this anything like ,,, the 4 qt of 2014, or early 2015 rumor.
I agree with indistinguishable. The only issue I have with the developer preview on my icon is the atrocious battery life, and that's because of Lumia black. I'd prefer a faster release that has some bugs that get fixed with later updates then one bug free update that takes forever to come to devices, and I'd be willing to bet that others feel the same way. If you care so much, why not let people do that, and notify everyone when the update has reached stable for people who do prefer stable releases get it when they want. Cyanogenmod does that, why can't you?

End of rant
Also, and I hope nobody gets fired over this, I don't recall anyone saying early February. This would make sense, February technically IS early 2015, and would tie in with people enigmatically saying it's close like a street preacher talking about the rapture 😁. Anyway, it's given me enough hope to go on thinking maybe Verizon isn't completely horrible, until March, when I'm still on Black, cursing big red's name. But maybe I'm wrong. Please Verizon, prove me wrong
As for everyone railing against Verizon, keep in mind that they do all of this, for YOU.

?Nokia Lumia 929 last updated 05/07/2014

yes I understand Verizon has nothing but the utmost respect for Icon owners and WP in general it's crystal clear

month after month with no updates, news, or anything I tell myself everyday how VZ is doing everything they can for ME and I am thankful

after I finish this post I will start the paperwork on getting Verizon nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2015 :wink:
I think it's really too bad that you have this frame of mind. The fact of the matter is that it's already been announced, and confirmed among major cellular carriers including Verizon, that this update will be arriving in early February. So be a little more patient, because the Icon will be getting Cortana in the next few weeks.

As for everyone railing against Verizon, keep in mind that they do all of this, for YOU. They want the experience that a customer gets to be so phenomenal, and bug-free, that they test the crap out of not only software updates, but new phones in general, to make sure it lives up to their standards. This is so that when you do finally get the new phone, or the update, you won't have to go through all kinds of hassle because something was overlooked and now your phone isn't working and as a result you've missed an important business call, etc. Is it sucky to have to wait? Sure it is. But would I rather a top-notch, properly working bug-free product? Definitely. It's like when a gaming company delays the launch of their new game so they can work out the bugs they found. Gamers hate having to wait longer, but when the game finally launches and it's a gorgeous game with little to no issues, it was SO worth the wait.

[End of rant]
Are you saying Verizon's own software and their network sucks worse than any other carrier's in the world? Because everyone else has managed to update to 8.1 and Cyan, except Verizon. Or maybe they're just lazier than everyone else.
As for everyone railing against Verizon, keep in mind that they do all of this, for YOU. They want the experience that a customer gets to be so phenomenal, and bug-free, that they test the crap out of not only software updates, but new phones in general, to make sure it lives up to their standards.

So glad they're looking out for me by protecting me from all the latest and greatest equipment too. Took them a year to get iPhone. At&t got the great Nokia phones.
Uh.. well since Verizon is doing all this FOR YOU. Can't they hold off on the stupid emails advising me to Start the NEW YEAR with something new and start using Cortana until I actually have Cortana.
Its like a tease to tell someone to use something before they actually can. It is a BAD advertising idea on their part! :angry:
I know it is unlikely for this to happen, but it may ease the frustration that has lasted for untold weeks and months if I could be helped to understand what was the big holdup. There are many that have been using the PFD for months (not me) and have not had major issues as a whole. Can we expect performance improvements because of this long cycle or will it simply be what is expected?

Being reasonable, this has just been an extremely long process for us as consumers.

I understand and believe me that internally at MS they know that too. Remember employees are also consumers and when stuff like this happens it affects us too.

To the other poster asking about timing, again I can't say anything because I'd like to keep my job :-) All I can say is hold on just a little bit longer.
If we take you at your word that you do have a source internally, why should we should be believe it's close if Microsoft is still testing it? Microsoft is not the arbiter of when this will be released to the Icon, VZW is.

We've been strung along since 8.1 was announced. All we've gotten is BS promises. Nothing personal, of course, but this phone has been cursed since its earliest days and until I see an update, I'm calling BS on this, too.

Remember that's it's a combination of OS update and firmware . So yes, Microsoft continues testing. Think about iterative software development. OS piece may be fine, they report firmware issue, they update FW, now test everything again to make sure you didn't break anything. Rinse, repeat. These things take time unfortunately. Programs like DP do help product teams collect telemetry to help issues.
So, early February, right? And will we ever get an explanation as to why it's been almost a year before an update?
So, early February, right? And will we ever get an explanation as to why it's been almost a year before an update?

I don't think they owe us an explanation. It takes whatever time it takes and is determined by how many resources they put on the problem. It will come and we will have what we want.
I am well aware of the combination, but again, all we have is promises about a phone that was retired about 7 months after it was released. A flagship phone which was sold with the promise of early updates and still remains the only Windows 8 phone on the planet that hasn't seen any update at all.

Remember, it was Microsoft that promised the Icon would be first in line for Denim and we never even got Cyan. I can't buy this "testing" BS anymore. There is something far more involved. Nothing takes this long to test and flagship phones don't get dumped after 7 months.
They didn't owe us an explanation in September. They owe us one now.

And we've gotten one: They're testing, there's problems with VZ's apps and MS's firmware...that's the official explanation. While very true that it wasn't what we all wanted to hear (and also probably 95% bullcrap), unfortunately, that's all we're going to get.

Some here won't be happy until Mr. Verizon gets an account here and PMs an apology to everyone that's ever posted in the Icon thread.
I should rephrase that. We deserve the truth.

BTW, that is not the official's nothing but speculation.

Better? :)
I should rephrase that. We deserve the truth.

BTW, that is not the official's nothing but speculation.

Better? :)

You can't handle the truth! Lol just kidding I would as well as we all would expect from a company that takes our hard earned money should deal with its consumers truthfully and not feed us tons of crap. Unfortunately I guess we don't pay big red enough to get the truth.
This weekend ? Can I hope (plan to get snowed in here in NE, would be a good thing to pass the time)....

To people saying we wont get a update, we will, We will get Denim....That is on schedule to be released (hope sooner than later) now, Windows 10, that is WHOLE different story.
I wonder if Verizon offered the following choice to its customers, what would people choose?
"Verizon Customer, there are issues between the MS firmware update in Denim and our awesome added-on VZ apps. You can have the Denim upgrade right now...HOWEVER, if you choose to do so, you MUST relinquish all of our awesome added-on VZ apps. Your choice, please. We're waiting..."
I work for Microsoft and I know people internally who are testing it. I can't say much since what i say could (and shouldn't) be construed as "official", but trust me it really is close.

Friend at Verizon told me they got the test notice for 8.1 for the Icon. I didn't ask if that meant Denim, but at least it's finally gotten back to VZ.

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