Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

YAY! Another great app advertised, but only for 8.1. Yeah, this is getting old. and I have tried 8.1DP twice and had nothing but wifi issues. And I did try multiple resets....
If a Verizon sales rep said water was wet, don't believe them. They have no idea what they are talking about. Especially when Microsoft is involved in any way shape or form.

On a side note, my Verizon sales goon claims the Nokia Tablet 2520 power keyboard "is now obsolete with no additional quantities coming in". Its available at ATT. Perhaps Verizon is eventually dropping support for all Lumia devices, not just the Icon.
Many people did. From what I've heard the DP experience on the Icon was worse than any other phone they make. The fact that the 930 seems to work fine is an indication that the Icon demands Cyan for some reason.

Why wouldnt you update to the 8.1 dp. I did a long time ago and I can honestly say I dont have any different problems than I did before i updated
Who knows how accurate this is but over the weekend I talked to a Verizon rep at a corporate store here in Canton, OH (they claim it is the busiest store in the US) who told me the Microsoft/Nokia rep was just in their store and said there is a firmware issue that is holding things up, not a software issue. That is why 8.1.1 runs fine on Verizon with the HTC M8- it's the cyan firmware that is the issue with the Nokia phones on Verizon.
Who knows how accurate this is but over the weekend I talked to a Verizon rep at a corporate store here in Canton, OH (they claim it is the busiest store in the US) who told me the Microsoft/Nokia rep was just in their store and said there is a firmware issue that is holding things up, not a software issue. That is why 8.1.1 runs fine on Verizon with the HTC M8- it's the cyan firmware that is the issue with the Nokia phones on Verizon.

Perhaps this explains why both MS and VZW refuse to say anything. Additionally, perhaps VZW gave up waiting for a firmware fix.
Who knows how accurate this is but over the weekend I talked to a Verizon rep at a corporate store here in Canton, OH (they claim it is the busiest store in the US) who told me the Microsoft/Nokia rep was just in their store and said there is a firmware issue that is holding things up, not a software issue. That is why 8.1.1 runs fine on Verizon with the HTC M8- it's the cyan firmware that is the issue with the Nokia phones on Verizon.

If that is the case I'm glad they don't say anything, because it would SHOCK me if software have bugs, so I'd never be able to trust Microsoft again.
I can assume its CDMA related issue since the GSM phones worked. At this point, this is really disappointing. I hope they will fix it soon. Verizon should at least communicate with their customers on the status. I am holding back on upgrade to ICon
Yeah pretty sure they've had nothing but problems with the icon software since launch. This is why they are no longer producing it.
Yeah pretty sure they've had nothing but problems with the icon software since launch. This is why they are no longer producing it.

Do you have ANY basis at all for that speculation? CSR statements don't count as they know nothing.
Yeah Nokia was having firmware issues with the icon when it was supposed to be launched November of last year and that's why the launch was delayed
That is all fine, but why can we NOT get an official statement? Leaving an entire user base (on Big Red) in limbo has done no good for either Big Red OR Microsoft. If they suspect/confirm a problem, say it. Threads like this go bye-bye and people just wait for a solution. This is why I fear people mistrust Microsoft. They are afraid Microsoft will/has gotten too big and no longer cares.

C'mon man!
Yeah Nokia was having firmware issues with the icon when it was supposed to be launched November of last year and that's why the launch was delayed
That was before launch and obviously whatever showstopper issues they had were fixed. Is there any information to support your statement that they've had "nothing but problems" with the Icon since launch?
With as many people that have reported problems with the wifi I wouldn't be surprised. And the fact that 8.1DP isn't without it's issues for some users would be another one. I love what 8.1 brings to my ICON but the problems it brings after using it for a while is why I reset and go back to 8.0.
Ok, time for some real talk.

AT&T has released WP8.1 with Cyan (Lumia only) for all of it's Lumia devices going back to the 920 on their network. Awesome for them and those customers. I haven't heard anything about the 8X though and I'd imagine those customers are left in the dark too. Am I missing any?

T-Mobile has customers with the Lumia 925 and 521 that don't have WP8.1 w/ Cyan and 8X customers that don't have WP8.1. They have announced NOTHING regarding these phones or when/if they'll be updated. Nothing.

Sprint has the ATIV S Neo. One device. It has not been updated with WP8.1. They have announced NOTHING regarding that phone or when/if it will be updated.

Verizon has the Lumia 822, 928 and Icon, the HTC 8X and the Samsung ATIV SE all awaiting the WP8.1 update with Cyan (Lumia only). They have announced NOTHING regarding these phones or when/if they will be updated. HTC has announced that the 8X WILL receive WP8.1 on Verizon late this month.

So, I know this thread is about the Icon and Verizon in particular, but looking at the bigger picture, is Verizon acting any different than the other carriers? Granted I'm a bit ... perturbed by all of this, but let's keep a level head. The problem isn't JUST Verizon, it's all of the carriers (except AT&T ... if you have a Lumia).

The problem is all of the carriers. Repeat after me: the problem is all of the carriers! The problem is all of the carriers! ♪ The problem is all of the carriers! (what?) The problem is all of the carriers!! (who?) The problem is ALL of the carriers!!!
That is all fine, but why can we NOT get an official statement? Leaving an entire user base (on Big Red) in limbo has done no good for either Big Red OR Microsoft. If they suspect/confirm a problem, say it. Threads like this go bye-bye and people just wait for a solution. This is why I fear people mistrust Microsoft. They are afraid Microsoft will/has gotten too big and no longer cares.

C'mon man!

This is the KEY point. Whatever the reason just put out a statement instead of leaving us in the dark. If Verizon is too busy dealing with better selling phones just say that in a nicer way. Instead of letting all of this bitterness fester just let us in on what's going on. I would much rather have an answer that I don't like than no answer at all.
Tjarren, good points. AT&T is the outlier here, but let's remember that the Icon was the newest phone without 8.1 and it was heavily implied that it would receive 8.1 fairly quickly (in fact 8.1 was supposed to be out in the summer for all devices).
But let's be clear on one thing: The idea that this is a delay because of technical issues seems extremely far fetched when you consider that the vast majority of devices in the world, including the twin model 930 as well as the similar 1520, have been updated just fine. CDMA, sure, but it's not some new unproven tech they haven't dealt with. Most likely CDMA is not the problem, strategy and politics is.
Tjarren, good points. AT&T is the outlier here, but let's remember that the Icon was the newest phone without 8.1 and it was heavily implied that it would receive 8.1 fairly quickly (in fact 8.1 was supposed to be out in the summer for all devices).
But let's be clear on one thing: The idea that this is a delay because of technical issues seems extremely far fetched when you consider that the vast majority of devices in the world, including the twin model 930 as well as the similar 1520, have been updated just fine. CDMA, sure, but it's not some new unproven tech they haven't dealt with. Most likely CDMA is not the problem, strategy and politics is.

But we don't really have any actual evidence of the bolded. We have a lot of supposition and analysis, but very little in the way of facts. Maybe it's because of where I frequent there, but the newer ATIV SE should be even more 8.1 ready and doesn't have to wait for firmware release, right?

Trust me, I'm definitely not one to defend Verizon. We definitely have a marriage of convenience. But, that being said, as I outlined above, Verizon's failures are shared among 3 of the 4 big carriers, in worse ways at times. Though they may have older devices, they also have less to update and, in the case of Sprint they have no Cyan firmware to hold them up. T-Mobile has no CDMA radios to cater too either.

As I mentioned in previous comments, outside of AT&T the only thing that we have heard about a WP8 device receiving an update is HTC saying the 8X on Verizon would receive it in late October and maybe that's the time frame that we should've been watching all along.
The problem is all of the carriers. Repeat after me: the problem is all of the carriers! The problem is all of the carriers! ♪ The problem is all of the carriers! (what?) The problem is all of the carriers!! (who?) The problem is ALL of the carriers!!! ♫

Naw. The problem is Verizon. Verizon is not comparable to T-Mobile and Sprint. Verizon is comparable to AT&T, and thus, should be held to a similar standard when it comes to delivery of updates. I could post many metrics to prove this. You've actually already posted one yourself with regards to the # of phones available on each carrier. I'll post just one metric that says it all.

Net Income of each company according to their annual reports in 2013:

AT&T 2013 Net Income: $18.55 Billion
Verizon 2013 Net Income: $23.55 Billion
T-Mobile 2013 Net Income: $35 million

It's not even close. Verizon has the most accounts, charges the most for those accounts, has the highest income (that's net income NOT revenue). Yet they are delivering the worst support. Comparing them to T-Mobile and Sprint is equivalent to comparing your mom and pop pantry to Whole Foods.

Verizon is acting like a massive corporation that doesn't care about the 4% of their customers that use Windows Phones.

T-Mobile is acting like a company that's just trying to get by.
I came over from Sprint, and when I wanted to go WP, I had 2 choices, Samsung (and I'm not a Samsung fan) and the HTC 8XT which I couldn't even find at ANY Sprint stores to try out, and there were NO Lumia devices at all! I'm not a Verizon defender either, but it's more WP friendly than Sprint.

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