Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

I went into Verizon to get my son his first phone(basic, he'll be 11) and asked if they were gonna be getting windows phones at all besides the M one 8 and ative SE that were just sitting out there. They said yes, sometime in march I believe. Well I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I went into Verizon to get my son his first phone(basic, he'll be 11) and asked if they were gonna be getting windows phones at all besides the M one 8 and ative SE that were just sitting out there. They said yes, sometime in march I believe. Well I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

If they release a new WP in March, the timing will work out so they can discontinue it just before Windows 10 hits. That's about the shelf life Verizon gives WPs, right?
We went to the VZ store so my gf could get her HTC M8 (Windows, of course) and they still have the Icon on display. I tried to get one there 3 weeks ago and they were sold out then. I asked the salesman why it was still out if it's discontinued and they can't get anymore (they tried 3 weeks ago). His answer was some mumbling off about "backfilling old stock"...I think - the mumbling started early on in the sentence :)
Which begs a question: What is everyone going to do with the extra free time not spent checking in here and pushing that damn Update Phone button?

I don't hit the update button that much. Just check this thread and the Windows Central front page. Gives me plenty of time to spend with my bride, play with my puppy, do ministry with my church, shovel my driveway, read books, etc... You know, life :).
I most likely will be buying a flagship WP after my current contract is up but I don't ever see myself buying a flagship WP ever again on Verizon

I'm not going to let the miserable way VZ has treated the Icon and WP change how much I enjoy the WP platform

If i only had the luxury of having other providers that provided comparable coverage for my needs.
930 getting denim... how bout 929 today too! Verizon? Can U hear me now???

SORRY Joe B ... I NOW BLAME Microsoft ... we "already knew" how lame Verizon IS - and probably always WILL BE "anti-Windows Phone" - but, come on Joe, YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN "transparent" ??? your last post about ... "What I meant IS 100% BS" !
Ok, February is here. My bet is that Denim will be a no show once again, and March will come and go and still no up date. Then April..May..I think you see where I am going with this. No updates for the Icon...ever...
Ok, February is here. My bet is that Denim will be a no show once again, and March will come and go and still no up date. Then April..May..I think you see where I am going with this. No updates for the Icon...ever...

I'm starting to think along the same lines. This cannot possibly be all on Verizon.

Just started pushing out the Android update for the S5. They already updated the 822 and the 928.

There is something wrong with this picture and I think we've been sold a bill of goods by VZW and MSFT.
At this point, I don't care why it's been delayed (I did five months ago). I just want the update. We will never hear why as that would require a pinch of decency from Verizon and general concern for a subset of paying customers (albeit we are minuscule in number).
At this point, I don't care why it's been delayed (I did five months ago). I just want the update. We will never hear why as that would require a pinch of decency from Verizon and general concern for a subset of paying customers (albeit we are minuscule in number).

You should care because if it's the phone, as I suspect we'll never get an update

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