Official FM Radio app on Lumia 950 via restoring from a backup with pinned FM Radio tile

With or without headphones plugged in? It may work without them, but it is meant to be used with headphones as they are used as an antenna.
The "FM hack" works and after upgrading to the new firmware.

With or without headphones plugged in? It may work without them, but it is meant to be used with headphones as they are used as an antenna.

You need to have headphones plugged in. If you try to use it without headphones, a message pop up and says so.
I also, last night, did the hack on a european 950 with.107 (no TP).
Reception and audio quality is excellent with via headphones but when switching to speaker it is terrible with lot of noise. It seems, as already posted here, that the speaker itself is used as an antenna and not the plugged headphones.
But at least we have FM radio!
My question would be the following:
If i reset my device or flash with Windows Device Recovery tool, will the hack disappear and everything reverted back to non-working FM radio? Or we have to do the change again with the same jailbreak .xap app?
I activated the hack on .107 with fw 38 and then I've got the Redstone and the Radio remained activated. So by updating current build you will keep the hack.
If you will flash with WDR you will loose the hack. I'm not sure if after flashing with WRT if you will restore the backup what will happen.
Hmm, I still get a 0x89731B01 error when trying to deploy any xap to the 950. I've just tried to deploy the xap to my 535 (running 10586.122), it works.

No matter what I try (uninstall drivers, etc.), the 950 refuses to receive that xap :/
Hmm, I still get a 0x89731B01 error when trying to deploy any xap to the 950. I've just tried to deploy the xap to my 535 (running 10586.122), it works.

No matter what I try (uninstall drivers, etc.), the 950 refuses to receive that xap :/
What build are you on the 950 that you cannot deploy the .xap?
How to return FM Radio app an easy way:
*if you have unlocked fm radio "functionality" - jump to the steps below the sreenshot
1. Install software for PC if don't have:
2. Next, we have to do some things with phone:
  • Go to the Settings --> Update & Security --> For developers --> Enable the "Developer mode"
  • Download "RootTool.xap"
  • Deploy it with "Windows Phone Application Deployment". If you can't deploy it with standard utility, try this
  • Run the app on the phone --> Jailbreak Lumia --> Capability Unlock --> Unlock Windows Capabilities
  • Go back to main menu of the app and click on choose Registry Tool for all devices
  • Enter the same values as shown on the screenshot. Then tap "Write".
    View attachment 121671
  • Reboot the phone
  • Install third-party FM Radio app
  • Plug in headphones, run the Radio app, select manual tune, find some station and play it. Then, press the volume button and click on freq number.
  • Now, you should be seeing an original FM Radio app. Just pin the station on Start Screen.
  • ...
  • Profit$$$

P.S. This guide is 100% working for EU variant of Lumia 950 (single or dual sim). It's also known, that US versions don't require registry editing - the FM Radio module is not turned off.

Working on my RM-1104_13756, running the build 14328 :excited:
OS built 10.0.10586.218
Firmware 01078.00038.16082.36019

After installing the XAP then I cant find the program to move on with the next instructions
I have complied with the above procedure but I cant deploy RootTool.xap. I get error - 0x89731B01. Any suggestions?

YES!! I have got it! I had to install "Visual Studio 2015 Community". After install VS2015 I can deploy it. Thx for nice tip how to enable FM Radio.
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The FM Radio hack has been working fine for me for much time. Yesterday I decided to join the Insider program and installed the latests 14332 Redstone build. After the update the pinned FM station on my home screen had disappear.....I then opened the FM radio app (3rd party app) and tried to do the trick to tune to a station, press volume rocker and then tap on the frequency appeared in the pop up window. Unfortunately the trick did not work as when I was tapping in the frequency nothing happened.....Now I am without FM radio....I will reset my device as it is now on the 14332 build and try to run again the hall procedure....If it doesn't work I will return back to Threshold builds...
Any suggestion for the Redstone issue case is more than welcome

UPDATE: I did factory reset while being on Redstone 14332 and unfortunately the issue still remains. When pressing volume rocker and then on the frequency, the Lumia FM radio app does not come up.....such a pity....Nevertheless through the 3rd party FM Radio that I have downloaded I can still listen to FM radio and also scan stations through the popup window of the volume rocker....but is not so convenient as the Lumia mother app. If anyone has found any workaround please send a pm or post here.
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Cant make it work! So frustrating.... Really don't know what else to do. Used Interop Tools to change the registry, but still can't unlock radio.
Hello Is there a hack to make FM radio work through the speaker with native or 3rd party app yet?

I want to know if I should buy the 950 or not

Thank you
Hello Is there a hack to make FM radio work through the speaker with native or 3rd party app yet?

I want to know if I should buy the 950 or not

Thank you
Did you finally hacked the FM radio work through the speaker ?
With mother or 3rd party app

This is critical for me to buy 950 or not

Thank you
@pdionisis: I can confirm. With this described procedure the official FM Radio work through the speaker with plugged headphones. Official OS 10586.318
Did you finally hacked the FM radio work through the speaker ?
With mother or 3rd party app

This is critical for me to buy 950 or not

Thank you

Dionisi you can play FM radio through the speaker with the native app BUT the sound is really bad as there is a lot of noise (probably this was the initial bug that prevented MSFT releasing the FM function on 950). So if you need speaker functionality better head to the XL variant. Alternative you can have a small speaker connected to headphones jack and have a speaker like FM listening.
valuxin: Amazing - it works on my Lumia 950 DS with Czech Windows 10 Mobile. I would like to know why does Microsoft throw obstacles in the way :eck:
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