Official HTC 8X GDR2 Thread

Just downloaded the update on Verizon. Oh yeah! About to install it.

~This is going to take crackerjack timing Wang.~
Well T-Mobile sure gives a lot of love to their 8x customers. It hasn't even released yet.
Beats Audio sounds UNBELIEVABLE now. Idk what changed in regards to it, but it definitely improved a lot I think.
I'm on AT&T and got my update on 8/16 and I"ve noticed a few issues that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere:

1) I am no longer able to highlight and copy text from text messages. Can do from everywhere I could before, but just no longer from a text.

2) I am aware of the Bing search changes, but there seems to be a problem to me with the way it is working. I understand it does load image and video results right away to save on the data usage. When I search for something the normal web results come up first. If I swipe over to view image or video results, I see the exact same content as the web results.The web results are responsive, but the results in image and video (which are exactly the same as the web) take several taps to respond. If I tap in the search box while on the image or video results screen and then hit enter without changing anything I will receive results that are correct for the page (image or video) that I am on, but if I swipe to the other results pages it will only display the image or video results.

3) When streaming pocasts an error pops up after 12-15 minutes and says that "This file type is not supported by your device" (or something along those lines of the file not being supported) and playback stops. If I try to restart the podcast I get the error message again. I have to fully exit back to the start screen and go back to the podcast like I'm doing it for the first time. Then it will start to play again after selected and I can fast forward to the point where it dropped off. After another 12-15 minutes the same thing happens again.

No catastrophic issues, but still annoying.
Just checked for updates and there is now an update for my 8x on Verizon. I have to find a hotspot to down load.
Updated through Verizon and I still have 5gb in other storage, will this go away or do I need to hard reset?
Just got updated to 8.0.10327 Verizon US. I see radio in music hub. No change to other storage, at 2.25Gb.
To recover (lower) drastically Other Storage you need to Reset your phone after a GDR2 update (may be not immediately - a day or a week later - read why below). This lowered the Other Storage to 1.02 GB on my unlocked 8X.

But I am very disappointed of the so called Backup - it restores a minimal number and mostly non-essential settings so I had to fully go through every Settings and set them based on my personal preferenced and what I have remembered. This is mentioned in the Backup description but I got very angry losing 3-4 hours instead of a hour.

Reset have refreshed my phone a lot, to be honest! It is now faster.

I have applied the SIM card scotch hack on a day one... No restarts to date (my 8X is a 45-46 days old phone).
I have a tweet from o2 uk that they are working on gdr2 and looking to release this month...i have a screenshot but cannot upload from the app.
I haven't even a clue if I have GDR2. Ran a load of updates the other night but no changelogs or descriptions on any of them. No DataSense either which is a shame.
To recover (lower) drastically Other Storage you need to Reset your phone after a GDR2 update (may be not immediately - a day or a week later - read why below). This lowered the Other Storage to 1.02 GB on my unlocked 8X.

But I am very disappointed of the so called Backup - it restores a minimal number and mostly non-essential settings so I had to fully go through every Settings and set them based on my personal preferenced and what I have remembered. This is mentioned in the Backup description but I got very angry losing 3-4 hours instead of a hour.

Reset have refreshed my phone a lot, to be honest! It is now faster.

I have applied the SIM card scotch hack on a day one... No restarts to date (my 8X is a 45-46 days old phone).

When you do a Reset, you don't lose contact info do you? Are contacts stored on the Sim Card?
WiFi doesn't work after GDR2 Update

I know this has been brought up on the HTC 8X forums (phone I have), but I was just wondering if it is happening with any other phones as well. Ever since I installed the GDR2 update on my Verizon 8X, I basically haven't been able to use WiFi. I'm at home now, which usually the wifi works blazing fast through my phone; I've tried it on other networks too and it still doesn't work. If i turn Wifi off then on, it'll work for a few minutes until slowing down to basically a standstill. This is very very frustrating, as I basically got no benefits from the update except for the radio and group message option (other storage problem hasn't fixed). Anyone having any similar problems or have any idea what's going on / how to fix it? I've already tried forgetting the network and reconnecting.
I've had no problems with my wifi on my 8X post update either.

Sent from my iPad 3rd Gen using Tapatalk
I haven't seen any threads about this so I just wanted to see if anyone else was having issues with their notifications and tiles since the update (Verizon 8X). Since the update I immediately lost notifications from a couple of apps and have since lost notifications and tile updates from others. The ones I immediately noticed were ESPN (both tile and game notifications stopped) and the battery app I use, Insider (both tile and notifications as well). So I tried a fix that has worked for me before where I uninstalled a couple of apps that were listed under the Advanced background task menu but that didn't work. Then I turned off and on notifications for all apps and that basically broke tile updates and notifications for all the others. Now none of my tiles update, I receive no notifications at all from Lync (which I use all the time) and still have sign in issues with it. Should I soft reset? Hard reset? Anyone else have any problems?
Ok, I thought all was well, but seems I AM having a tile update issue. My battery tile isn't updating the battery percentage on its own anymore. It only updates when I click onto it. Im using the Battery app by Enless Soft Ltd. the settings are still set for the live tile properly, I checked. I did a complete discharge of my battery earlier and am not charging, so I will keep an eye on it. :-(

Sent from my iPad 3rd Gen using Tapatalk

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