I'm on AT&T and got my update on 8/16 and I"ve noticed a few issues that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere:
1) I am no longer able to highlight and copy text from text messages. Can do from everywhere I could before, but just no longer from a text.
2) I am aware of the Bing search changes, but there seems to be a problem to me with the way it is working. I understand it does load image and video results right away to save on the data usage. When I search for something the normal web results come up first. If I swipe over to view image or video results, I see the exact same content as the web results.The web results are responsive, but the results in image and video (which are exactly the same as the web) take several taps to respond. If I tap in the search box while on the image or video results screen and then hit enter without changing anything I will receive results that are correct for the page (image or video) that I am on, but if I swipe to the other results pages it will only display the image or video results.
3) When streaming pocasts an error pops up after 12-15 minutes and says that "This file type is not supported by your device" (or something along those lines of the file not being supported) and playback stops. If I try to restart the podcast I get the error message again. I have to fully exit back to the start screen and go back to the podcast like I'm doing it for the first time. Then it will start to play again after selected and I can fast forward to the point where it dropped off. After another 12-15 minutes the same thing happens again.
No catastrophic issues, but still annoying.