Official Lumia 620 Amber Update Thread

you have amber but no GDR 2? How is that possible? If it really is like that,try using NSU to update you phone's firmware to GDR 2 +amber,then only u can update to GDR 3
I updated with NSU to firmware 3046.0000.1329.2001. Conneting my phone to NSU gives me the same firmware as available to update.
Dear all,
I need some advice please. I'm using 620, region Indonesia with firmware 3046.0000.1329.2002 (Latest on my region)
my question is, can I use latest firmware from other regions?
example Australia haved 3046.0000.1329.2003 (latest)
if can, how to install or update that firmware?
thanks :)

nb: sorry i'm newbie here :(
it seems each country variant device has somo particularity, to make it work on such country, so i dont think you can use a firmware of another country onto your device, may be it will be possible to install it, but maybe you will not be able to use the cellelar capabilities.
Re: Does the GDR2 update fix the song duplication issue?

After amber update my phone's location service is not working.. i am from kolkata using vodafone cnctn.
though in settings and on top of the screen the indicator for location is on. help plz
Dublicate files bug

Is there any solutions for the dublicate files bug on WP8? I have Nokia Lumia 620 with GDR2 Amber Update and i'm dealing with this problem since i updated to GDR2. Photos, videos & music makes dublicate files all the time (although my sdcard doesn't realy have dublicate files) and get on my nerves. I formated my sd on "exfat" file system and for a while i fixed the problem but recently it started all over again. Pls, can anyone help, it seems on google search there is none fix yet. Is GDR3 update facing this problem? Thx!
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Just set the phone date to somewhere around 2016 Dec and the use phone storage and clear the temporary file using internal option which came along with GDR3 Preview..
Is there a Lumia Black update for 620 available to the flashing programs like Nokia Software Updater for Retail? Lumia Amber was available couple weeks ago before the official "over the air" update from carriers.
Re: Dublicate files bug

Is there any solutions for the dublicate files bug on WP8? I have Nokia Lumia 620 with GDR2 Amber Update and i'm dealing with this problem since i updated to GDR2. Photos, videos & music makes dublicate files all the time (although my sdcard doesn't realy have dublicate files) and get on my nerves. I formated my sd on "exfat" file system and for a while i fixed the problem but recently it started all over again. Pls, can anyone help, it seems on google search there is none fix yet. Is GDR3 update facing this problem? Thx!
format the sd card using your phone.
my 620 got another glance update today ImageUploadedByWPCentral Forums1393213027.486468.jpg totally awesome.

Sent from my iPhone using WPCentral Forums
Re: Does the GDR2 update fix the song duplication issue?

Hi all 620 lumia users. not just over an hour ago i was wondering about what will happen if i tried using the Nokia Software Recovery Tool, my lumia did not need resetting i just wanted to see what will happen so i did with an end result of getting the Lumia Amber. there was a firmware update that i got through the Nokia software recovery tool after i had connected my phone, so you guys should download and use the Nokia Software Recovery Tool to get the amber update you also get the glance feature that we all wanted to see what the big deal is with that. please back up your apps using the back up feature on your phone so you can reinstall them through the purchase history feature on the windows phone site. Its an really easy procedure and if anyone have any questions hopefully i can help tho i don't think you will need any.

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