Official Update for those still with Touch Issues


New member
May 12, 2014
Guys try applied anti glare screen protector if your screen too sensitive.

Some people report that this method works


Retired Moderator
Nov 12, 2012
The subject of this thread and update doesn't address screen sensitivity. Please read the post at the top of this thread.


Retired Moderator
Nov 12, 2012
Yes, this is the same thing and the symptoms at the top of this thread are the actual ones being addressed by the fix.


New member
Mar 6, 2015
I updated via OTA (OS 8.10.14234.375, Firmware .....15053.24003) but touch issue still remains.
People say that they have no problem please try to do the test with multitouch app, it is the only way to see that there is a problem. The fact is that there is not ONE Lumia 535 with perfect 5 point touch at this test (if you can find one post here the video of test)

Shan Ali Khan

New member
Oct 14, 2013
I updated via OTA (OS 8.10.14234.375, Firmware .....15053.24003) but touch issue still remains.
People say that they have no problem please try to do the test with multitouch app, it is the only way to see that there is a problem. The fact is that there is not ONE Lumia 535 with perfect 5 point touch at this test (if you can find one post here the video of test)
Yes true people who bought their first lumia thinks that 535 is now good.
I have been using 520 since year it works with 4/5 touch. but lumia 535 still have problems in touch. I wish Microsoft should work harder for this phone and generate more updates.

P.S i have already updated phone using recovery tool.


New member
Mar 8, 2015
Been using this phone for two months. The touch issue still persist even after two major touch related updates. It feels like my phone's touch has gotten even worse after the last update.. I guess this phone is a downgrade from my old Lumia 620 except for the RAM.

Adolf Kleinhans

New member
Mar 31, 2014
quoting your full OS and firmware versions.

OS v.8.10.14234.375
Firmware revision number 02060.00000.15053.24003
Hardware revision number:
Radio Software v. 20c9.00069.0001

Update has improved it yes but it still (literally) unusable at times. I have done some extensive tests and have found that:

- Using after washing hands with warm water (Even worse after shower) = Rapid touch repetitions
- Using with cold wet fingers = Nothing. Works 100%
- Using with damp sweaty hands (I live in ZA, its mind bogling hot, so yes, my hands are sweaty allot = Rapid touch repititions.
- Using while on charge = touch repetitions
- Using while on unsupported 3d party charger (Ipad 3 USB hub with Nokia usb cable) = Rapid touch repetitions.
- Also experience random ghost touches with dry screen and damp screen alike. No difference wether it is faggoed or completely dry (just wiped with a cloth).
- Fast typing almost always result in ghost touches on random letters.
- Swype type 90% of the time does not work no matter what the conditions. While swyping the phone will lose track of your finger and the reengage on another letter.

To me this seems like hardware issues if I take into account the fact that not everyone is experiencing the same issues but specially because of the charger issues. We have a rather unstable electicity grid in ZA and as such I do not think that the supported charger is as stable as it should be resulting in a milder version of what happens when on non-supported charge. I could even send you a video of this: Plug the phone in, rapid touch repititions (with occasional ghost touch), the plug charger out it works 100%, repeat the process as much as youd like, the results are the same.

There, that's as thourough a report as you can get. I'd seriously love to hear what MSFT has to say. And they better not give up, if this is hardware issues there should be a recall.

Thanks Pete, Keep us updated.


Retired Moderator
Nov 12, 2012
Adolf, what you're describing here doesn't really follow the symptoms of the multi-point touch sensitivity issue that the latest update attempted to address (might well have made things better for you though.

Regardless, I'd advise you to contact your nearest care centre and see what they say. They might be able to diagnose whether this is a hardware or other kind of issue. I hope that it gets resolved for you.


New member
Mar 10, 2015
I left also my report:
OS v.8.10.14234.375
Firmware revision number 02060.00000.15053.24003
Hardware revision number:
Radio Software v. 20c9.00069.0001
Chip SOC: 8212
Manufacturer Name: RM-1090_1023
Mobile operator: 000-FR

- 2 fingers has improved a lot. The phone is fully functional with 2 fingers.
- 3 finger o more. Appears and disappears touches. Very unstable.
- Sometimes, while I'm charging the device detects touch instead of scroll.


New member
Mar 24, 2015
Hello guys,
I too have lumia 535 since a week ago. As soon as I unpacked it I received updates and currently my About/Extras+Info section reads as followed:

OS version 8.10.14234.375;
FW rev No.: 02060.00000.15053.24003
HW rev. No.:
Radio: 20c9.00069.0001
Chip SOC: 8212
Manufacturer name: RM-1089-1024
Mobile Operator: 000-33
Core Build ID: 8031.19 (02060.00000.15053.24000).

I can't speak about phone behavior prior to the updates since I installed them almost out of the box. However I have major problems using the touchscreen. I manage with usual stuff (messaging, browsing etc.) even though I get mad with issues, but gaming is impossible.
Sometimes when i type message i get random key pressed at the other end of the keyboard. Also some symbols dont react (random ones). Zooming an image is impossible if you start by holding 2 of your fingers too close to each other, and even if i separate them enough it still has issues. During extensive usage of the phone while my thumb gets even a little sweaty the touch goes all haywire, e.g. i try to scroll but it opens an app or follows a link, I try to open an app or link and it doesnt react at all.
When playing a game like Dream League Soccer, the touch works fine for ~30(or as long it takes my thumb to get sweaty) seconds and then it starts loosing itself moving players in random directions, or not moving them at all.

A good looking sturdy phone that is this buged is such a shame. Prior to this phone I had L520 which had NO issues at all even after I broke my screen and replaced it with chinese one bought from

It really seems to me that this is a HW issue since I went to a different carrier than mine yesterday and used one L535 that was in their stand and it had same problems as mine.

SHashank Yadav

New member
Mar 25, 2015
yes same problem

very poor performence of touch, when and where is the update it is hardware problem or software kindly reply and provide ota update as soon as possible.

worst phone ever i bought

same problem here i also went nokia care they updated my phone but it didn't solved touch issue..... this phone freaked me, i just want to replace this phone as soon as possible.
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Shan Ali Khan

New member
Oct 14, 2013
Pete , i just received the phone after touch panel replaced but i goto multi touch there are still problems
Should i return phone to nokia care again or wait for official update or software ?


New member
Mar 26, 2015
Updated to latest version and still there are issues with multi-touch. I'm attaching screenshots of touch problem when I used multi-touch test app to verify the same problem. picture

In the pics i'm using 4 fingers and app says 2 touch events, 3 or 5 eventhough there's only four fingers.
After the update, estimated battery time has come down to 4 days 6hrs from 5 days 5hrs and i'm observing high noises in images from rear & front cameras after lumia camera update(Latest).:grincry:


Retired Moderator
Nov 12, 2012
Pete , i just received the phone after touch panel replaced but i goto multi touch there are still problems
Should i return phone to nokia care again or wait for official update or software ?

Was this through an official care centre?

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