Official youtube app for wp7/8 updated!

Re: Ofiicial youtube app for wp7/8 updated!

Wasn't working few moments ago, but now it's working fine again
Re: Ofiicial youtube app for wp7/8 updated!

Try opening YouTube from I.E, play any video, and go check the app. That's what I did
Re: Ofiicial youtube app for wp7/8 updated!

Oh fudge, screw this app. It's working for sometimes, and becomes unavailable again after awhile. The app definitely needs an update. That's it, I'm sticking to MyTube.
Re: Ofiicial youtube app for wp7/8 updated!

Any of you WPC folks know what's going on? You're like my only source for this kind of stuff :P
Re: Ofiicial youtube app for wp7/8 updated!

Yup, mine has been saying service unavailable all day.
Re: Ofiicial youtube app for wp7/8 updated!

Thanks for the tip, but it's still down. IE worked, so at least I know it's not my network.

Same, I'd already tried and that worked. App didn't work. I un-installed and re-installed and still nothing.
Mine is working fine since I have downloaded it. About 7 hrs of using and its all right. Lumia 820 running GDR2/Amber
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Re: Ofiicial youtube app for wp7/8 updated!

The app is now gone from the store!!!

Thanks god I had paid for MetroTube. Will use that for now.
Re: Ofiicial youtube app for wp7/8 updated!

And is it just me, or the app seems to be working fine only in 3G/4G?
My unlisted uploads are not showing up again. Wondering what they're up to.

Edit: nvm it shows up right after I posted lol just like before

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