Offline Google Maps on WP8?


New member
Jul 29, 2013

The country where I live in does not have 3G so you can guess how ridiculously slow loading maps can be on EDGE. Also, Bing/HERE/Nokia Maps are useless for my country as compared to Google Maps. SO is there an app that provides offline google maps?
What is the difference between Here Maps and Maps+ ?

I see both in the WP store and it seems to resemble Here Maps and have Here elements.

I agree that Here maps is excellent; even though I use android I bought a WPhone to use as a GPS with Here maps/drive. But I am confused about Here Maps and Maps+.

OK I gather that:

Nokia's downloadable maps are integrated into the OS for use by all apps, including Nokia Here maps and Nokia Here drive but also third party apps like Maps+. I think that's excellent and the downloading and updating works really well.

Maps+ has some features that Here maps does not have like support for Google maps in addition to Nokia maps. Here maps has features that Maps+ does not have including "Live Sight" (really cool) and it seems to work better with the compass, including prompts to wave around the compass to reset it when needed. I went with Here maps because I like these features and also trust Nokia who made the maps.

Neither app seems to have an arrow showing which direction you are pointing when the map is set to north-up. I'm not sure why; this seems like an obvious feature. To see where you are going on Here maps you have to be in the mode where the map rotates so the direction you are facing is up.
OK I gather that:

Nokia's downloadable maps are integrated into the OS for use by all apps, including Nokia Here maps and Nokia Here drive but also third party apps like Maps+. I think that's excellent and the downloading and updating works really well.

Maps+ has some features that Here maps does not have like support for Google maps in addition to Nokia maps. Here maps has features that Maps+ does not have including "Live Sight" (really cool) and it seems to work better with the compass, including prompts to wave around the compass to reset it when needed. I went with Here maps because I like these features and also trust Nokia who made the maps.

Neither app seems to have an arrow showing which direction you are pointing when the map is set to north-up. I'm not sure why; this seems like an obvious feature. To see where you are going on Here maps you have to be in the mode where the map rotates so the direction you are facing is up.

If you want to enable Cortana:
1) change yyour region to US and enable your location services

But signing into Nokia account should have synced your favorites
Hi there,

I'm "uping" the subject here.. Obviously Here maps provides the best offline maps integration in Windows Phone, however, some countries such as Japan are not supported.
That's why I was wondering if any good alternative could be found to store offline google maps ? I've tried various gps navigation apps but none of them provides the Japan maps :-/

I'd be gratefull if anyone had any suggestion :)
As far as I know, only official Google Maps app support offline maps. Of course, there is no official Google Maps for WP and probably never will.
Yeah that's what I thought.. What about offline japan map, even paying ones ? I could not find any, but maybe have I missed some miraculous app somewhere ?
You are looking at the wrong angle. It has a lot to do with the government of Japan (and South Korea for that matter) that makes these mapping software providers not able to provide what you want. There is a serious hurdle to overcome for any of these companies to provide map services. Google seems to be the only one that can provide this. Here I thought Communist Government of China would be the last to allow this (it is not, you get both Here maps and Google Maps).

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