Orange and Green backs

Wow the Black orange combo its amazing i have a Black icon and was thinking about getting a orange or green cover but was not sure about the combo with the black bordes of my phone but look awesome
Update on Black or White backs. I found some on Amazon and eTradeSupply that look to have most of the antennas included. Only thing you would need would be the flash which you could use your existing one. Biggest downside is the Verizon branding.

White back:

Thanks for posting this information, moverton. I purchased the white back from Amazon. It was super-easy and I used my existing flash - works perfectly. Also, thank you OP for this thread and to everyone else for their input and feedback as well. So, I now have a black Icon with a white back - looks great.
How you guys are closing the back cover?

There's always a protuberance on backcover when I close it. It's very close to camera button and wireless module. And that's why my wireless charge have a malfunction, because the back cover and wireless module don't make perfect contact with smartphone pins.

Need help here to close my Lumia 930 back cover.
I just got my Orange back in, was wondering if any of the people who have done this can give me some tips on how you removed the back. The suction cup i have is not pulling the back off at all. I saw a video where a guy used tweezers to pop it off through the sim card tray. I afraid of damaging the sim card tray, so i think maybe i just need to get a smaller suction cup? I also read that its best to remove from the top, and set the new one in from the bottom, is that the case? Please and thank you!
Never mind! Holy cow i found the sweet spot it was SUPER easy though the sim tray. It looks so pretty!
P.s. I used the NFC, QI charging pad and the flash from my original back and all three work perfectly. so it only cost me 14 dollars!
I don't understand why they don't make a cyan back. I think it would sell really well.
I agree completely, i would be all over a "blue" back. I remember seeing in this topic a blue stick on back cover, but instead of vinyl I would really like a snap on poly-carb back.
I'm not saying that the orange or green backs don't look nice, but I would rather have blue...
It's probably a simple matter of logistics. If they make six different colors and people gravitate towards certain ones then it guarantees that other colors will be sitting on shelves unsold, which is a financial loss for something as ridiculous as color. Add to that the fact that tons of people (maybe even most) put a case on anyway that just covers that color up. Three is about right, as shown by other companies like Apple, etc. Too much choice can just lead to wasted financial effort.
I want to open my 930 to secure my screen back down, is the screen held down by glue or is it just screws?

I've taken apart a whole lot of Icons, but I don't quite understand your question. What are you trying to do? I may be able to help.
It's probably a simple matter of logistics. If they make six different colors and people gravitate towards certain ones then it guarantees that other colors will be sitting on shelves unsold, which is a financial loss for something as ridiculous as color. Add to that the fact that tons of people (maybe even most) put a case on anyway that just covers that color up. Three is about right, as shown by other companies like Apple, etc. Too much choice can just lead to wasted financial effort.
Right I understand you completely, and to ad the Icon/930 are not really supposed to have removable/replaceable back covers anyway, but still a "blue" back would be nice...
I've taken apart a whole lot of Icons, but I don't quite understand your question. What are you trying to do? I may be able to help.

I think what he is talking about is the digitizer and the lcd screen. In that case, it is fused and cannot be replaced like the old iphones i used to repair.
I got my green back, I am pleasantly surprised how good it looks with the black contrast.

Note to those reusing the nfc/qi/flash. Use a business card to slowly lift up the sticky pad, getting a corner started with a nail and using a stiff business card made the process super quick :)
I got my green back, I am pleasantly surprised how good it looks with the black contrast.

Note to those reusing the nfc/qi/flash. Use a business card to slowly lift up the sticky pad, getting a corner started with a nail and using a stiff business card made the process super quick :)

I have two people who (surprisingly) have Icons, want me to change their back out after seeing mine. This will come in handy since i sweated bullets the entire time i was removing mine. They bent in the corner i lifted them up with and didn't quite sit back down flush, granted the case is so tight it wont go makes it cleaner for if i swap the original back in place. Thanks!
I found the back cover on aliexpress for $ 15 but without the flash, i am not going to get it off that Spanish , i am tight on the budget. So my question is what is the flash chip called? I dont need the nfc only the flash.
I found the Flash For less than 3 bucks on Aliexpress too. So do i need to get the rest of the modules to make the flash work?
Nope. the flash doesn't even connect to anything. You literally just drop it on the metal conductor and you are good to go. Note the only thing to think about is there will not be adhesive holding it in place. Since it sits so flush when the back is full assembled you don't need any. What i did was used scotch tape to hold the flash to the back while i snapped it back on them simply peeled off the tape when it was fully assembled. Good luck!
Hello to all, I am new to the site, though i have been lurking for quite some time:). I just purchased my green back with the NFC, charge plate and flash. Wish me luck...
I have a black ICON so I think it will look pretty sweet with the green back.

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