Order & Chaos Online - Official WPCentral Guild Thread


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Jun 6, 2012
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Hi guys wish I could game with you right now. Sad that the servers are down, but maybe Gameloft is updating the game/fixing bugs. I won't be able to be on for a bit because my Nokia Lumia 920 died the other day, and I am waiting for my replacement in the mail from at&t. When I get back on I will gladly help any newcomers with weapon/heavy armor that they need up to level 25 (atm because my blacksmith profession is only at level 200) provided I have the ore or you guys can give me ore. Hope you all get back on soon, and I will be back soon as I can!

- Faeron


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Mar 1, 2012
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Play this game for the first time really...went from 85% battery to critically low in a little over an hour. Only other thing running was WPCentral App. Talk about a battery killer!

Paul Acevedo

Jan 19, 2011
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Don't forget to mention your character names in this thread, everybody! We want to know who you are in-game. :)

I finally sat down to play this game for awhile and their servers have issues....$7 down the crapper it looks like

Server issues happen in online games. Friday was the only time we've had a major server outage so far. It sucks, but it's not the end of the world or the game.

About the battery thing, that's graphically intense and/or online games for you. Check out part 2 of the guide for some tips on managing battery life.


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Apr 20, 2012
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You'll need to play this game in front of an air conditioner/AC. The heat from this game kills battery very fast. It helps to get a high powered charger if you don't plan to play in front of an AC. The stock charger won't charge it fast enough.


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Jun 6, 2012
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Play this game for the first time really...went from 85% battery to critically low in a little over an hour. Only other thing running was WPCentral App. Talk about a battery killer!

Are you playing on a 920? Because I noticed that if you turn your brightness all the way to low, the game lasts longer and the screen doesn't get hot as quick. The stock charger provided by Nokia is only 1.3A and is not going to provide enough charge to the phone while playing. I would suggest getting a 2.1A charger, but make sure the output is 5W. Anything higher than 5W can damage your phone battery. I hope this helps.


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Mar 1, 2012
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Are you playing on a 920? Because I noticed that if you turn your brightness all the way to low, the game lasts longer and the screen doesn't get hot as quick. The stock charger provided by Nokia is only 1.3A and is not going to provide enough charge to the phone while playing. I would suggest getting a 2.1A charger, but make sure the output is 5W. Anything higher than 5W can damage your phone battery. I hope this helps.

My thought is this: You should never have to limit the awesomeness of your phone! I never have my 920 lower than full brightness. Thanks for the charger info. That said, the phone is quite warm without charging at the same time. I can only imagine what it is with charging.

Someone should make a case esp. designed for playing games while keeping the hands cool....


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Jul 14, 2011
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Hey guys,

I'm Mark, aka dkp1977, who started the wpcentral guild on the European servers. My character's name is Dezdemona, being an Undead Monk currently at level 19.
Like Paul already pointed out, we badly need some officers in order to get the guild growing. Due to my lack of spare time I'm unfortunately not able to spend a lot of time ingame, hence I'm still the only member. ;) If you want to join and help us grow, ping me on Twitter (BinaerForceOne), so I can come online and hook you up in Order & Chaos Online.

Cheers, Mark


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Dec 18, 2012
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My char name: Vicstick. Lvl 12 Warrior

So sad the European servers are lacking players. Still its a casual MMO and Im sure there are only a handful of die hard gamers who are playing this game.

Im having thoughts about the storage on my phone about this game.
I have a HTC 8X with sadly only 16GB. Before I installed the game I had about 6Gb. After I installed the game I only have less than 1 Gig on my phone.
Does this game affect the 'Other' storage alot? And will it increase the other storage the longer you play the game?
If this is the case then lots of players will bump into the wall one day...

Paul Acevedo

Jan 19, 2011
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Hey, US players. We're going to start using Skype voice chat while playing whenever possible. If you're cool with your Skype name being listed in the first post, let me know it and your character name. My Skype name is nineinchninjas. No worries if you don't have a device to use for Skype while playing - this is just an extra thing to make the game more fun for those of us who do.

Paul May

Lumia 950 & Surface Pro Champion
Nov 8, 2012
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This game was very hot on my 920. It doesn't seem to get quite as hot on my 1020 and the battery does seem to last longer. The other added advantage to the 1020 is the camera grip with the added battery :)

Paul May

Lumia 950 & Surface Pro Champion
Nov 8, 2012
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I don't believe the update was over a GB, I think it just re-downloaded the entire game, I could be wrong though. It fixed the Nick Store for me, there were some bug fixes and stuff but nothing major that I saw.

Omega Ra

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Mar 2, 2011
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I can't believe what just happened....I spent all day and 40g on bond stones...Finally after weeks I found a white horse in the swamp...on my VERY LAST STONE, the capture succeeded, and the ***** who I Was grouped with accidentally ROLLED FOR IT and won...but he is an orc who can't use it...ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!

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