Other Storage (Yes, again I know, but...)


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Dec 1, 2012
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When i tell my friends who own an iPhone or nexus this story, they laugh in my face. Come on Microsoft

There is a simple solution to this problem: don't tell them this story! In your defense though if they have an iPhone or Nexus they have the best performing devices. iPhones are generally solid, and Nexus devices are the best of Android as far as performance.

As I was reading down over this thread I was thinking how someone who didn't know what OS it addresses would think we were talking about Android. It sounds like the issues Android had in the past (mostly resolved by now). Storage space problems, lagging, freezing, manually clearing cache and other tweaks, hard reset...

My first WP was an unlocked Lumia 710, and that device performed brilliantly! I don't recall any glitches at all with it. I've not been so impressed with my WP8 devices.

I noticed that the Other storage on my 520 seems to grow if I download Here maps. In my experience I've come to the conclusion that the Other storage is in some cases not necessarily wasted space, but rather data that isn't classified as something else. However, it's my 2nd phone and I don't use it very much. I don't use the camera and I don't use Skydrive on it. Maybe that makes a difference.


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Jun 22, 2013
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To add to my rage, I tried deleting some offline maps too.. I tried deleting the Hungary maps (173MB in size), but when I confirm the deletion I get an error. According to the error message I don't have enough space to "download this map" I need 803MB's of free space to "download" the map. I want to frigging delete it!!


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Dec 1, 2012
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To add to my rage, I tried deleting some offline maps too.. I tried deleting the Hungary maps (173MB in size), but when I confirm the deletion I get an error. According to the error message I don't have enough space to "download this map" I need 803MB's of free space to "download" the map. I want to frigging delete it!!

That's strange. I had an issue when I tried to download both the entire US & Canada date. I had Canada downloaded, then I tried to download the US. It said I couldn't because there wasn't enough space. But according to the Storage app I had plenty available. So, I deleted Canada, downloaded the US, then downloaded Canada. No problem!


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Jul 2, 2013
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Ok so i did a hard reset and my other storage jumped from 2.44gb to 950mb and beside that my battery seems to be alot better. The only downside is that i lost all my game data and have to start over :'( except halo SA.

Aniruddh Sharma

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Dec 14, 2012
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My other storage is sitting at 5.5GB!!
I have installed a lot of apps and games and a lot of other data, pics, contacts (FB, Twitter etc.)
I am planning to hard reset my phone...how to save all this data and my entire app list? Also, would I be asked to pay for Asphalt 7 again?

Apologies for the noobish questions.


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Mar 8, 2013
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Go to settings/go to backup/make sure app list and settings says its being backed up....if not enable it. Back up pics to SkyDrive. No you will not be charged again for asphalt as long as you use the same Microsoft account

Sent from my HTC 8X using Tapatalk


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Jul 27, 2013
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Apparently GDR2 doesn't solve the problem of "other" storage indeed. Since I updated my phone it's constantly growing and today reached a peak of 4 GB. The only thing I could do is try the date trick, and recovered about 500 MB. I still have 8 GB free so I'm not exactly bitting my fingernails yet, but I'm getting worried. I don't use skydrive sync, only a few apps, a couple of games and a couple of pictures. So there is no reason for it to grow like that. Hopefully GDR3 will finnally fix this thing once and for all. I mean, really. It's a major issue, reported by a lot of users. Is it so hard for a company like Microsoft to address the issue? I'm sure they have more than 2 developers working on WP8.


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Aug 1, 2013
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Yes at first when I got my WP8 I was glad it had GDR2 and even though my phone only has 8gb of storage, "Other" was consuming about 1.3gb. It stayed that way for the first several weeks and did not seem to grow so that was acceptable to me. However soon thereafter "Other" storage started to grow daily, despite not doing anything new or different with the phone. It has now consumed the remainder of my 8gb and I constantly get Low Storage warnings, and probably couldn't install anymore significant apps if I wanted to (down to about 300mb free space now...)


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Jun 26, 2011
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We've had this discussion before about your lack of storage. You just need to suck it up and start removing some of those games you have loaded on there. I'd say you may need to get a different device with expandable storage but I have a feeling you would fill that up as well.


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Aug 1, 2013
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We've had this discussion before about your lack of storage. You just need to suck it up and start removing some of those games you have loaded on there. I'd say you may need to get a different device with expandable storage but I have a feeling you would fill that up as well.

Who are you addressing? If me, know that:

1) I don't think I've discussed anything with you before
2) My phone does have expandable storage, which holds all my media already. (using 8gb of a 16gb card)
3) You can't install apps on expandable storage
4) I only have 2gb worth of apps & games on internal storage.

Even if I had more, what good would removing ANYTHING do, if that newfound free space will just eventually be consumed by Other Storage anyhow?
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