Overheating issues and related massive battery consumption! (>20% per Hour)


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Aug 6, 2012
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If you have any overheating issues with your lumia920 as the title describes it's probably bug related.
So we need a firmware update-fix as soon as possible and we need to hear what Microsoft and Nokia have to say about this serious issue.
If you agree support my suggestion so that people that are suffering from the same issue can be heard by Microsoft and Nokia!
Resolve The Firmware/OS bug That Causes Major Overheating of The WP8 Devices!


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Nov 3, 2012
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Mine is fine, although I don't game hard on it. When I played uno though via mobile internet it got extremely hot. One other time was when I used the sat nav for 4hours straight, it actually stopped working.


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Jul 10, 2012
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First of all, all phones get hot so not sure what you mean by a firmware fix will stop doing it. Secondly I would suggest mentioning what do you do on your phone that makes it hot (playing games, taking pictures, etc.) so that we could try to help you out.
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Aug 6, 2012
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When i play games (of every kind) after 5-10 mins the temperature raise and after a while i get a 20-35% consumption per hour and the phone is becoming very hot.Also with apps the temperature rises as well.
I had the same proble with two devices from different manufacturers (HTC 8X and now switched to Lumia 920 hoping to not meet the same issue).
So the problem is mainly on the software/firmware i guess!

P.S before i switched to lumia 920 i ve sent through my warranty the 8X three times for service and they tryed everything (changed battery,changed motherboard) and HTC guaranted me that the hardware hasn't any issues and is in perfect working order!


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Nov 14, 2012
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Every time I see the problem arise I restart the phone and everything goes back to normal for the next few weeks, if not months. The problem only persists if I keep playing the games that caused the problem to begin with.

That said, I agree that this needs to be fixed because it shouldn't be happening at all. Even if it's poor coding on the part of the developer the OS shouldn't be allowing the app to run away with system resources. If it's a hardware issue, however, then no amount of patching will fix it. We'd have to wait for the successor to the Lumia 920, running on new hardware.


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Mar 4, 2013
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I just got this randomly on my 1020 and didn't play any games. This is a known bug. I soft reset and then power cycled the phone ahs it was back to normal. Also happened to me once when I had my 925. Very annoying indeed!!!


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Aug 6, 2012
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Yeah it's realy annoying because i have an amazing device with a very nice and promising OS and this f*****g bug ruins everything!!And the realy annoying thing is that Nokia and Microsoft don't say a word about that and neither provide an update fix!I will wait until GDR3 hoping that a fix will be included with all the "Many more enchancements" that is said that will include and if even after GDR3 the bug will not be fixed the MS is like forcing me back to my iPhone 4s!

Ravi Ramgoolam

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Aug 4, 2013
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When i first got my phone battery life sucked, heating everything you mentioned. Now after about a month and updating to Amber everything seems to have leveled off. I still get the warming up after playing games but other than that i use my phone pretty heavily on whatsapp, email, music and i still get almost a full days charge out of it.


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Dec 16, 2011
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Agree with you. When I play, Six guns with Online - Multiplayer mode, even if phone is in charging, the battery is going down by 10% per hour. After 4-5 hours continuous play, the phone gets turn off since battery is dead. But I haven't seen any electronic device which runs out of battery when it's in charging.

I must say it happens with online [wifi] multi-player games like this one [UNO another example]. In normal mode [offline gaming], it's pretty fine.


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Aug 6, 2012
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Most of all the ignorance of MS about this issues is forcing people to change platforms!
And no oficial word until now?!?!?!??!?How unprofessional can MS be???
Anyway let's hope that GDR3 exept of sh**y minor new features also will bring many major fixes and improvements!!


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Dec 31, 2012
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There are 2 causes of heat/consumption:

1) Normal use. A game often runs and uses 100% CPU and 100% GPU even when it doesn't look special. While a dev might be able to improve consumption, they typically don't. When everything is running full tilt the phone will get hot and burns through the battery. But when you quit it should stop. (remember residual heat takes a while to dissipate)

2) OS Bug. A random process will sit in the background and burn through the battery. We are guessing at 'process'. It may be modem chipset firmware bug or anything, but given that it can happen when Wifi and cellular modems are off, it's likely an OS bug with a hung process. Either way, closing all apps, preventing background apps etc. doesn't help. Only guaranteed fix is to power down and restart your phone. Oddly some people claim to never experience this. Oh yes, this happens across the Lumia brand, 820/920/1020 etc.


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Jul 8, 2013
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My 920 runs very hot and drains the battery within 8 hours, if I have an audio file paused, I use my phone as an audio player to listen to audio books, so I have to leave it paused, some audio books are very large and it takes too long to find the last part I was listening to, so I have to leave it paused. This leaves my phone needing to be plugged into a charger almost constantly, the battery runs very hot to the touch, it is always draining the battery within 8 hours and then it is dead as a door nail. No Amber update yet from ATT, and no assurance that it will fix this problem. My brother has the same phone and it has the same running hot, draining fast condition as mine, so it is NOT an isolated problem at all. The lack of help from ATT, Nokia and Microsoft is troubling, we are stuck with defective phones for two years without any recourse or help whatsoever. I am through with this phone and I am warning everyone I know to avoid it, I am considering just throwing it into the garbage and getting an Android phone, but then I will have to pay TWO monthly bills for wireless phone service, I am very angry and feel betrayed by all the companies involved in this mess. Never again!


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May 27, 2012
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My 920 runs very hot and drains the battery within 8 hours, if I have an audio file paused, I use my phone as an audio player to listen to audio books, so I have to leave it paused, some audio books are very large and it takes too long to find the last part I was listening to, so I have to leave it paused. This leaves my phone needing to be plugged into a charger almost constantly, the battery runs very hot to the touch, it is always draining the battery within 8 hours and then it is dead as a door nail. No Amber update yet from ATT, and no assurance that it will fix this problem. My brother has the same phone and it has the same running hot, draining fast condition as mine, so it is NOT an isolated problem at all. The lack of help from ATT, Nokia and Microsoft is troubling, we are stuck with defective phones for two years without any recourse or help whatsoever. I am through with this phone and I am warning everyone I know to avoid it, I am considering just throwing it into the garbage and getting an Android phone, but then I will have to pay TWO monthly bills for wireless phone service, I am very angry and feel betrayed by all the companies involved in this mess. Never again!

That sounds like this bug

XAudio2 Performance and Battery Considerations for Windows Phone 8

Significant battery drain can occur if an app doesn’t stop the XAudio2 engine when the app is suspended, and the engine continues to run.



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Jul 10, 2012
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Well i havent had any games/processes stuck in the background, playing graphic intensive games do tend to make the phone hot which makes sense since the phone is running on full CPU load, but processes...never got stuck for me. Could any of you guys mention some games/apps that you feel get stuck?


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Dec 31, 2012
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Well i havent had any games/processes stuck in the background, playing graphic intensive games do tend to make the phone hot which makes sense since the phone is running on full CPU load, but processes...never got stuck for me. Could any of you guys mention some games/apps that you feel get stuck?

That is the issue, you don't know what it is. There's been a suspicion that it's related to IE, since that is impossible to close even if you back out of it. But it may be anything. May be related to the post above where bad app coding means the OS doesn't sleep awaiting audio data, or any other number of things. As a closed box it is impossible to diagnose WP.


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Jul 10, 2012
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Hmm could be, personally I havent had any similar experience with all the WPs I have owned (check my sig, its missing the 810). I hope the close application feature to be included in GDR3/8.1 would solve some these issues


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Jun 26, 2011
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Not sure if this is a MSFT / Nok issue. If it were everyone would have it and that is not the case.

I've had that problem in the past and traced the root cause back to an app that was going nuts with my location service. I have since turned off location services and the problem has never returned.


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Apr 27, 2012
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Not sure if this is a MSFT / Nok issue. If it were everyone would have it and that is not the case.

I've had that problem in the past and traced the root cause back to an app that was going nuts with my location service. I have since turned off location services and the problem has never returned.

Same thing with me. I had massive battery drain to the point that by lunch time my battery would be dead.

I looked into my apps running in the background and stopped a couple of them. No problems since then.

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