Own or buying the MSFT Band outside of USA

I need an US iTunes Account. Does anybody know how to get one without billing Information? I just need it to download the MS Heath App.

Ok iv worked it out...

You will need an alternative email address and You must follow this from 1 otherwise you wont get the "None" option within the credit card area.

1. Go to the app store and click on Featured

2. Scroll to the bottom and click on your apple I'd and sign out

3. Now sign in creating a new account with your new email and selected United States as your country

4. At the terms and conditions hit accept then at the top hit cancel to exit the setup process.

5. A message will appear saying you are in the US store and if you want to change back to your country store. Hit cancel as you want to stay in US store.

6. Now your in the US store search Microsoft Fitness or what ever FREE app you want to download

7. Click on that app and you will be asked to sign in

8. Click on create new option

9. Again go through the process of setting up your new account with your new email and selecting united states as your country.

10. Use a proper US address I just found one on the internet. It was a company but who cares

11. When prompt for a credit card click none and proceed.

You now have a US account 😁
Ok iv worked it out...

You will need an alternative email address and You must follow this from 1 otherwise you wont get the "None" option within the credit card area.

1. Go to the app store and click on Featured

2. Scroll to the bottom and click on your apple I'd and sign out

3. Now sign in creating a new account with your new email and selected United States as your country

4. At the terms and conditions hit accept then at the top hit cancel to exit the setup process.

5. A message will appear saying you are in the US store and if you want to change back to your country store. Hit cancel as you want to stay in US store.

6. Now your in the US store search Microsoft Fitness or what ever FREE app you want to download

7. Click on that app and you will be asked to sign in

8. Click on create new option

9. Again go through the process of setting up your new account with your new email and selecting united states as your country.

10. Use a proper US address I just found one on the internet. It was a company but who cares

11. When prompt for a credit card click none and proceed.

You now have a US account 😁

What about all the apps you got from your original aaccount?
Just got mine, arrived yesterday here in Western Australia. I have my win8.1 phone set to US region so its all good with cortana. Anyway, one thing I find strange during setup is the zip code. You will not be able to continue with the initial setup of the band if you enter in an invalid zip code but its an optional field so you can just leave it blank. Another thing I've noticed during setup is that you cannot change your preference yet at this stage so entering your weight and height will be in imperial system (lbs, feet). Once setup is complete you can then change your preference to use the metric system. Everything seems to work as it should but my one concern is the price. Mine cost me $US450 for a large size band and I got a small size band for my wife for $US550. Got them under auction in ebay. It would be great if Microsoft can just shut-up and take my money so we don't have to go through third party vendors. But, I guess that's how big companies are, they have so much money that they cant just shut-up and take mine.
hey I heard there is a problem with the umalot charecters in the band..and it will show squares instead..i have a lot of Hebrew and it's not showing me this too so u encountered something like this too In german?
Just remember that if you buy/get apps from an alternative store, you will have to log back into that store to download updates, as the app is registered to the alternative id and location. (from experience :smile: )
No, it doesn't show any characters other than regular Latin English characters, everything else shows up as squares. Can't blame MS, they aren't selling this outside the US yet.
No, it doesn't show any characters other than regular Latin English characters, everything else shows up as squares. Can't blame MS, they aren't selling this outside the US yet.
I think it's really a server side update that they can implement in an hour,I really hope they will change it soon
Just got mine, arrived yesterday here in Western Australia. I have my win8.1 phone set to US region so its all good with cortana. Anyway, one thing I find strange during setup is the zip code. You will not be able to continue with the initial setup of the band if you enter in an invalid zip code but its an optional field so you can just leave it blank. Another thing I've noticed during setup is that you cannot change your preference yet at this stage so entering your weight and height will be in imperial system (lbs, feet). Once setup is complete you can then change your preference to use the metric system. Everything seems to work as it should but my one concern is the price. Mine cost me $US450 for a large size band and I got a small size band for my wife for $US550. Got them under auction in ebay. It would be great if Microsoft can just shut-up and take my money so we don't have to go through third party vendors. But, I guess that's how big companies are, they have so much money that they cant just shut-up and take mine.

Oh god ... thats like double the asking price :s
It'll be back in stock in the online store starting 1300 EST folks, get it while it lasts.
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It'll be back in stock in the online store starting 1300 EST folks, get it while it lasts.

I'll be getting up at 7am local time to buy this thing!! How did people buy it from overseas? Will an international paypal work? Weirdly, they won't let me use my VISA card (which has a billing address outside the US with the US address of the postage forwarding service)
I'll be getting up at 7am local time to buy this thing!! How did people buy it from overseas? Will an international paypal work? Weirdly, they won't let me use my VISA card (which has a billing address outside the US with the US address of the postage forwarding service)

I tried that last time, didn't work. Since they will be available only for a short while, any concierge service won't work either.

Your best bet is to find someone in the US who can provide you his credit card details or order on your behalf and then ship it out to you.
I tried that last time, didn't work. Since they will be available only for a short while, any concierge service won't work either.

Your best bet is to find someone in the US who can provide you his credit card details or order on your behalf and then ship it out to you.

Why won't the concierge service work? (I'm using a package forwarder by the way, looks pretty similar to comgateway, where they receive packages at a US address, repackage everything and ship it off) I put through a test order using my Paypal, and the billing address became the same as the shipping address (Paypal can do that). It didn't stop me and I could've clicked order on the final review order page. I still don't understand why it wouldn't work...
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Hi to everyone,
I am from Spain, and I got the Band. Everything seems to work fine, except Skype notifications which don't show in my band...

For everything to work I had to set my phone language to English and the format region to united states.
Having the region Spain or united states doesn't makes any difference but Cortana and store apps.

My phone is a 930 with Cyan and update 1, I am not in DP.

Is anyone else having this problem or does someone know how to solve it, thanks!
Anyone in the UK/Europe attempting to grab one tonight when more are available?

If so, which mail forwarding company are you going to use? Looks like a bit of a minefield!!
Why won't the concierge service work? (I'm using a package forwarder by the way, looks pretty similar to comgateway, where they receive packages at a US address, repackage everything and ship it off) I put through a test order using my Paypal, and the billing address became the same as the shipping address (Paypal can do that). It didn't stop me and I could've clicked order on the final review order page. I still don't understand why it wouldn't work...

The reason it won't work is because concierge services generally require a 24 hour period to place your order and won't order at the exact time you ask them to. Judging by what I see, it won't last that long. This is exactly why I couldn't get mine and finally had to get one off eBay at a premium.

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