People hub not updating FB for friend when posted via Blackberry


New member
May 24, 2011
I have a friend on FACEBOOK who is on my people hub, however every post this friend makes on a Blackberry is not picked up - however the same friend's normal PC posts come through the feed just fine. Is this a bug or is it a limitation of the people hub/Windows Live?
I've also noticed that not all feeds come through on the People Hub as do on the regular Facebook App. I can't narrow it down though to just BB posts. Mine seem to random from what I can see. Can anyone shed any light on this? I used to use the People Hub exclusively and not even touch the Facebook App until I noticed this. I hope this is an easy fix because I would much rather use the integrated Hub over the FB App.
I've noticed this, too.

Also noticed that at elast two of my FB friends aren't showing up in the People at all. I try to link them to my gmail contacts but it's as if they're not friends with me on Facebook, but when I log into Facebook they've got profiles with pictures and we're friends.
I've been having a similar problem on my Arrive. One friend in particular that I interact with a lot "disappeared" a little while ago. The only updates that show up from him are auto-updates from the horoscope thing he does. Who knows if it's weirding out on a few other people's posts, too. The Facebook app picks up all the missing things, but it takes longer to load.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I'm noticing that I don't see any Facebook updates on the people hub for one of my contacts. He posts almost exclusively from an iPhone, so I'm not sure if it's just iPhone posts or not. I do see comments that he makes on other people's posts.

I've also noticed that 2 of my Facebook friends don't show up in the people hub either, but I'm guessing that's probably because for some reason hotmail refuses to import them as contacts.

Anyone ever find a solution for these issues?
I believe the solution is that there is a security setting that is off by default that some of your friends may have enabled. That security setting is allowing third party programs (i.e. not official facebook app) to access your basic user info. The people hub etc is considered a third party program, so if your friend has this enabled you will not be able to pull their info.

So, my guess is these people have enabled this setting and thus it is preventing us from getting their updates. Have them change it, use the official FB app, or oh well for them.
My contact photos aren't updated either...hmm I hope thats fixed with this Mango WP FB intergration thing they keep preaching
Any more news on this problem? Still an issue with Mango

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I am getting the same problem. Ruined do you know where this setting may be? I looked around Facebook, but could not find anything. . . Any help would be appreciated.

T-Mobile | HTC HD7 | 7.5
This was resolved about a month ago. It turns out that the people hub is not treated as a 1st party facebook app. It will only receive updates from those who allow 3rd party access to their updates. There is nothing you can do about this unless you want to contact each friend individually that doesnt show up in the people hub updates and ask them to remove their privacy settings. Until Microsoft and Facebook figure something out, were out of luck.
This was resolved about a month ago. It turns out that the people hub is not treated as a 1st party facebook app. It will only receive updates from those who allow 3rd party access to their updates. There is nothing you can do about this unless you want to contact each friend individually that doesnt show up in the people hub updates and ask them to remove their privacy settings. Until Microsoft and Facebook figure something out, were out of luck.

The People Hub has been treated as a 3rd party app since launch.

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