Persistent Wifi problems


New member
May 29, 2014
Does anyone experience extremely slow Wifi connections? For months my Surface Book's connection has been EXTREMELY slow (although somewhat intermittently). My internet speed will often be ~3 or 4 Mbps while all my other devices are 20+ Mbps. Sometimes if I disconnect or turn off Wifi and reconnect, things are better for a while. But not always. So I don't think it's the router or channel. The worst thing is that I use a NAS (network attached storage) to access files. Sometimes my connection speeds with that are ~350KB/s or less (again, around 6MB/s on other devices).

When I first got the SurfaceBook in November, I didn't have this problem. I think it cropped up at some point after an update. I hoped the recent Marvell Avastar update would help but if anything, it's gotten worse. I've looked around the web and there are some old suggestions about registry hacks (that don't work) and plenty of Surface owners complaining about Marvell and Skylake. Anyone have suggestions? I may try buying another router just to rule that out.

I love my SurfaceBook but these Wifi issues are making it bascally useless to me.
Does anyone experience extremely slow Wifi connections? For months my Surface Book's connection has been EXTREMELY slow (although somewhat intermittently). My internet speed will often be ~3 or 4 Mbps while all my other devices are 20+ Mbps. Sometimes if I disconnect or turn off Wifi and reconnect, things are better for a while. But not always. So I don't think it's the router or channel. The worst thing is that I use a NAS (network attached storage) to access files. Sometimes my connection speeds with that are ~350KB/s or less (again, around 6MB/s on other devices).

When I first got the SurfaceBook in November, I didn't have this problem. I think it cropped up at some point after an update. I hoped the recent Marvell Avastar update would help but if anything, it's gotten worse. I've looked around the web and there are some old suggestions about registry hacks (that don't work) and plenty of Surface owners complaining about Marvell and Skylake. Anyone have suggestions? I may try buying another router just to rule that out.

I love my SurfaceBook but these Wifi issues are making it bascally useless to me.

readding the wifi network doesn't help?
Update: After some folks suggested this might be related to my router (and Arris all-in-one device provided by my ISP), I bought a new router and all my issues went away. I'm happy again. :grin: So it actually WAS my router. Well, I don't think the Surface Book was totally blameless since all my other devices were working OK, but with the new router everything is faster and the Surface Book has zero problems.
Update: After some folks suggested this might be related to my router (and Arris all-in-one device provided by my ISP), I bought a new router and all my issues went away. I'm happy again. :grin: So it actually WAS my router. Well, I don't think the Surface Book was totally blameless since all my other devices were working OK, but with the new router everything is faster and the Surface Book has zero problems.

Just an fyi...maybe the tech for these all-in-one devices have improved since I last checked, but they are notoriously known to suck compared to getting separate wifi router and modem.

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