11B1P Active member Sep 5, 2011 1,481 1 38 Oct 24, 2014 #21 AT&T coverage here is ****-poor compared to Vzw, so I won't switch. Not to mention my unlimited data, and unlimited data hotspot.
AT&T coverage here is ****-poor compared to Vzw, so I won't switch. Not to mention my unlimited data, and unlimited data hotspot.
A awilliams1701 New member Jun 17, 2013 471 0 0 Oct 24, 2014 #22 I'm lucky. Until this year AT&T sucked where I live too. They just put a radio on the nearby water tower and my neighbors confirmed that did the trick. We'll see when I actually get service. I'm doing that today for my new 1520.3. 11B1P said: AT&T coverage here is ****-poor compared to Vzw, so I won't switch. Not to mention my unlimited data, and unlimited data hotspot. Click to expand...
I'm lucky. Until this year AT&T sucked where I live too. They just put a radio on the nearby water tower and my neighbors confirmed that did the trick. We'll see when I actually get service. I'm doing that today for my new 1520.3. 11B1P said: AT&T coverage here is ****-poor compared to Vzw, so I won't switch. Not to mention my unlimited data, and unlimited data hotspot. Click to expand...