Phone will not turn on, just keeps vibrating. What to try? Running WP10 TP on Lumia 630.


New member
May 29, 2015
I have been running the WP10 TP since it came out. This week I have noticed that my phone has needed a lot of restarts. This morning I woke up and my phone was not responding. I held the power button down and turned the phone off. Now my phone will not turn back on. If I try to turn on the phone, the phone just vibrates. I have tried holding down, volume down and power button with no luck. Nothing is appearing on the phone. I pulled the battery, and try to power the phone back on, the phone will vibrate about every 30 seconds. Nothing will display on the screen. I have also removed the SD card.

What options can I try? I have tried the hard reset instructions. But since nothing is appearing on the screen, I can't tell if the process is working correctly. Do I try the recovery tools next? I do not have immediate access to a Windows machine.

Lumia 630 with the latest WP10 TP.
When I turned it off this morning the phone showed a full charge. I have it on the wall charger right now. Phone just keeps vibrating.
Uhh... Physical buttons?
Meaning, I tried several times to anticipate what would be displaying on the screen from when the phone vibrates. No luck. I can't tell if it is actually initializing the reset process, or just vibrating when the phone plugged into a power source.

I tried the Windows Phone Recovery Tool, and when using the software, I receive a device not recognized message.
Meaning, I tried several times to anticipate what would be displaying on the screen from when the phone vibrates. No luck. I can't tell if it is actually initializing the reset process, or just vibrating when the phone plugged into a power source.

I tried the Windows Phone Recovery Tool, and when using the software, I receive a device not recognized message.

The Recovery Tool won't work if the phone can't boot.

For doing a hard reset, it really shouldn't matter what's on the screen, or at what point in the (failing) reboot process you do it, as long as you follow these steps exactly:

1. Press and hold "Volume Down" WHILE you're plugging in a USB cable or charger - after a few seconds, you'll see (or you should see) a big exclamation mark on the screen.

2. Once you see that !, press (in order) "Volume Up", "Volume Down", "Power", "Volume Down"

I've had to do it a couple times to a couple phones, and I've never seen it fail (which doesn't mean it never will, of course).
Hi, My Nokia Lumia 630 drained a few weeks ago, to the maximum, till I would push the power button & the screen wouldn't even turn on (I was out I forgot my charger) so, when I got back I inmediatly plugged it back in, only to find that my phone wouldn't power up anymore, would just vibrate every few seconds, & short vibrates, when I plugged it into the computer the pc wouldn't recognize it, said it was damaged or disconfigured.... :|

So I took it to a repair shop, only to be told the same thing I already experienced, so I took it back, and observing the phone with the battery out, and really closely observing the battery power ports, (3 ports: Positive, Negative & Ground) I saw that the ports were wide open, now, I had seen the ports before it had issues & remembered that they were a lot closer, so I started messing with them
with a needle, I pushed the ports closer toguether so each one were almost completely close, then put the battery back in the phone, tried to turn it on as usual & voala... It powered up... 10% or less battery... Plugged it into the wall charger & it's working now... Hope it works for you!! :wink::winktongue:
Thanks Samurgirl, pushing the pins on the battery closer together was definitely the fix for me. I just tried it and it worked great!

What made me decide to try your method beyond the fact that it was stuck in a boot loop was that sometimes when charging via USB on a computer, the Windows Phone App for Desktop would occasionally disappear and reappear. This would occur without touching the phone.

I ordered a new battery because even though I was able to push the pins together, they seemed overall a bit loose.

Thanks again!
ThinAirStudios :smile:
Guys I am having the same problem with my Microsoft Lumia 640 which is running on windows 10. The screen is just black, no light no nothing, when I press the power button it vibrates but nothing to show on the screen. When I put it on charge it keeps on vibrating every after few seconds as if its trying to boot.

Have tried the soft/hard reset nothing is working because nothing is showing on the screen.
Please help.:cry:
Re: Phone will not turn on, just keeps vibrating. What to try? Running WP10 TP on Lumia 640

My Lumia 640 keeps on getting this symbol -:(, what can I do ?
Hi, Did you find a solution or did you get the phone repaired? I got this problem last week... Thank you!
Re: Simple solution to annoying problem

Samurgirl, brilliant answer about gently moving battery port pins together inside the phone - that has solved my problem too - and no need for a hard reset! Thank you!! I shall back up my photos now...

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