Phones4U Lumia 920 and Unlocking

Daniel Ratcliffe

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Dec 5, 2011
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So, after hearing the news about my Danish friend getting herself a Nokia Lumia 920, I've decided that maybe I should get it myself. I know that the 4G phones bought outright from Phones4U are locked to Orange/T-Mobile/EE, but I am wanting to get one for use on Three. Is there any way to unlock the phone so that I can do this? Also, will it void any insurance (not warranty, I already know my warranty is void if I unlock) I buy from Phones4U?

Err oh damn, put this in the wrong area by mistake, can someone move to Lumia 920 please?

David Horler

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Dec 3, 2012
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Don't forget that while it is locked to EE and the others, it does work fine on Virgin Mobile (P4U and EE staff are paid to promote the exclusivity so they are likely to deny this), which you can get far better deals on than the 'official' carriers.

Daniel Ratcliffe

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Dec 5, 2011
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Don't forget that while it is locked to EE and the others, it does work fine on Virgin Mobile (P4U and EE staff are paid to promote the exclusivity so they are likely to deny this), which you can get far better deals on than the 'official' carriers.

Thanks but I specifically chose Three for their One Plan with tethering. Does Virgin offer a deal with unlimited data with tethering included? And if so what's the cost? If not, then Three remains my only choice, as it is a bigger deal than you might think.


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Nov 1, 2012
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I went into a P4U store on Saturday to buy a 920 - the biggest one in Leeds. They flat out refused to sell me one unlocked (I'm on T-Mobile so it was fine for me) stating they weren't allowed, despite advertising it. Kicked off but the guy wasn't budging so I went to the little store around the corner to see if they told me the same thing. 10 minutes later I left with my phone. No idea why the other store refused the sale though.

Daniel Ratcliffe

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Dec 5, 2011
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I went into a P4U store on Saturday to buy a 920 - the biggest one in Leeds. They flat out refused to sell me one unlocked (I'm on T-Mobile so it was fine for me) stating they weren't allowed, despite advertising it. Kicked off but the guy wasn't budging so I went to the little store around the corner to see if they told me the same thing. 10 minutes later I left with my phone. No idea why the other store refused the sale though.

Which stores in Leeds were in question? Was the St John's centre one of them? Just curious so I know what to deal with?

Daniel Ratcliffe

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Dec 5, 2011
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Ok, so found out about Virgin including tethering on their unlimited data packages. This is a real boon! But, I've heard stories about people using more than 25MB/day getting an ?80 charge. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Because if this is not the case that people get that charge, it makes for a very compelling choice of network to take my Lumia 920 to if I get it, and makes the choice between 820 and 920 that much harder.

On a separate note, can someone PLEASE confirm or deny whether or not it is possible to get the 920 unlocked and whether or not it will void my insurance, as per the OP? That again factors in my decision towards my next smartphone.

chaand farish

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Jan 20, 2014
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I'm glad to share my unlocking experience here . I have bought locked (orange)Nokia Lumia 920 from phone shop last month . Unfortunately, my sister ask me to come for US for vacation . I'm struggled at that time how to use my favorite mobile with US. I asked my provider to give unlock code . They refused me to give a code for Nokia . So, i have decided to get it unlocked by using any of the online unlocking service. So far i have searched in the net and got Orange UK Nokia BB5 Unlocking Service from the provider to unlock my Nokia Lumia 920 from sim lock . Hurrah ! I'm so happy to have my unlocked phone .

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