pic hub wallpaper issue


New member
Apr 22, 2011
I force updated my Samsung focus few day ago. Now for some reason I can't change my pic hub wallpaper anymore. The pic hub no longer gives me the option to auto or manually change my hub pic. When I press and hold a random spot in the pic hub menu. The change option no longer appears. Is this just my phone acting up, or this something that was changed in mango? Thanks.
Click the 3 dots at the bottom and you should have an option to change your background.
Dagolora is right, they changed this in Mango. I like the new way, but wish the old way was still there. I still remember when i stumbled on this setting; I then went throughe very other menu and app on my phone to see if this worked anywhere else!
Thanks for the info guys. I love this forum. I appreciate everyone's insight, and cordial attitudes.
Discovered another itsy bitsy thing which might have been discovered before though I have no idea of knowing. You choose some pictures and move them to your favourites and then choose shuffle background, and voila!, the picture hub background on the main screen will now shuffle only between the favourites.:):)
I kinda like it..cos otherwise some pictures I dont really like or dont want to come up can now be avoided.
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