And here you see the effect of personal opinion stated as fact...
The pictures in Denim are not perfect. Yeah, the camera is faster and Rich Capture is nice, but mostly they just adjusted the processing to add more contrast and saturation. Dark areas which still contained detail on Cyan now lose information on Denim for example.
For the best results you will still need to take the RAW and post process to your liking.
DNG is a raw format. DNG need treatment.
On Cyan the color accuracy was pathetic and treatment was ridiculous, specially on low light pics. The difference to DNG was HUGE. But not now. The JPEG now on Denim is VERY CLOSE to DNG pictures, with great color accuracy (the most important thing), and better in most of cases!
But of course you can have better results on DNG. But without any treatment I doubt it.
I need to increase contrast levels and make other changes on Lightroom in every DNG I have. Every! So that's exactly what Denim does to us, not a perfect picture, but a good job and a good compression. Of course sometimes will looks exaggerated, it is a automatic alghoritm. It will never do the same job than us.
And that's the right thing to do on a point and shoot camera. That's what people want, a good picture to share. Not a raw one.
I'll probably keep using the DNG format because I love treat them on Lightroom. I can get the perfect image for my personal taste. But the JPEG results are incredible for now.
So let's take it back to topic subject. Some pictures from yesterday!
New feature Action Shot!