Pics and Videos taken with your Lumia 930!

I see 2 camera apps.
One is called CAMERA.
Other is called Nokia camera.
I find the scene modes in CAMERA app, but not in Nokia camera.
Is this correct?
There are two modes on the Nokia Camera App, pro and auto, on pro mode there are no presets, on auto mode you can select presets (like on a compact digital camera) for modes like sports, night, portrait, etc.
This please. I want to prove low light is rubbish unless you set something like a 1 second exposure.

MrWhiteman, I do have a feeling that your earlier 920 lowlight pic was taken at a much longer exposure time than the 930. We need to ensure all parameters are compared consistently. It was also noted by others that the 930's OIS is more effective than the 920, therefore it would be justified if a longer exposure time is used for the 930 .
Can't tell if you are right or wrong because I don't have a 930 just yet but from pictures I have seen in this thread I can tell you that they (finally) removed the fugly yellow-ish tone to the pictures, It is present on the "pictures taken with your Lumia Icon" thread but here is non existent, from my point of view Amber algorithms were better even with the softness, I'm really looking forward to see the improvements on my 920. And by the way, most of the times I have to do some Adobe PS correction over my pics runing Black firmware, that was not the case runing Amber.

They did remove the yellow tint indeed. Unfortunately they replaced it with screwed algorithms that mess the oversampling and make 99.9% of your REAL low light photos very grainy and pixelated. AT LEAST on the 930. Mind you, it's the only phone I have running Cyan. Which means that it may be a problem with the calibration of the 930's camera and not with the Cyan update itself. However, seeing as Cyan is a firmware update, it will take another update for Microsoft to fix the poor calibration on the 930.
(By the way, those photos you posted contain a considerable amount of light)
I've seen your pictures, it seems like a faulty camera for me, damn even my old Lumia 710 produces better pictures!

The lowlight photo from his 930 was taken at ISO more than 2000 (edit: sorry it was ISO 3200) which is very high. It was also using a relatively slow shutter of 1/3s. It's either very dark or something was obstructing the light. The 920 was probably capturing the image at near base ISO (probably 200 or less). It could be using exposure time more than 1s long, assuming the same lighting condition for both cameras.
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2 questions pls..
1. nokia camera app says it saves images in 5mp+16mp.what does this mean? I have only one image saved and how do i know whether it is the 5mp image or 16mp image?
2.What is the difference between 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio?Does 16:9 give better quality photos?
16:9 gives wider but shorter photos and 4:3 gives more height but less width. You will get more megapixels out of 4:3 plus when you print photos, they are usually on 4:3 paper so I think 4:3 is better. You have to browse the phone via a computer to see both, but the highest one will get uploaded to SkyDrive anyway. If you have ProShot app, it allows 10mpx and 19mpx instead of Nokia Cam which only does 5 and 16
I can see only one photo although they say there are both 5mp and 16 mp.So, how can I know the photos i have is 5mp or 16 mp?

16:9 gives wider but shorter photos and 4:3 gives more height but less width. You will get more megapixels out of 4:3 plus when you print photos, they are usually on 4:3 paper so I think 4:3 is better. You have to browse the phone via a computer to see both, but the highest one will get uploaded to SkyDrive anyway. If you have ProShot app, it allows 10mpx and 19mpx instead of Nokia Cam which only does 5 and 16
I can see only one photo although they say there are both 5mp and 16 mp.So, how can I know the photos i have is 5mp or 16 mp?


5mpix photos have Pro.jpg after them and fulres shots have Pro.highres.jpg

example: WP_20131208_19_01_57_Pro.jpg and WP_20131208_19_01_57_Pro__highres.jpg

Phones photo album only shows 5mpix images. If you want get access to fullres shot in your phone you can choose to open photo in Nokia camera, Nokia creative studio or you can use Nokia story teller app which shows you full resolution photos directly from app without opening them in other app first.

Full resolution photos main purpose is that you can crop those afterwards without loosing quality. After cropping is done phone saves new image as 5mpix but original full resolution photo still remains intact for you to edit some point later. 5mpix photos are superior in quality as long you don't zoom in to them no more than 100%. After that there starts to be pixelation when there is no more information to show.
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The end result people are getting isn't related with anything but poor calibration of the camera algorithms. I can take awesome shots with the 930 as long as the light is somewhat good. If it gets a bit darker, the pixels kick in. Is the same problem with the image in the camera when you're viewing.
All that noise and pixelling are avoidable as Sony had proven with the Z1 release. It's shameful that it seems the former- Nokia imaging team is going backwards as Sony's moves forward. But then again, under Microsoft anything is possible...

By the way, Lumia Cyan is nothing special. I think we were better served with Black.

(ps - I only shoot in Manual mode)

I suppose it takes a lot of practise to know exactly which settings to tap in before the opportunity disappears. ProShot 19mpx Full Auto. Outdoors, full sunlight.
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As requested, some samples of iPhone 5S and Lumia 930. Photos were taken in auto mode on both devices, mainly as the iPhone does not have any other modes lol :)

_iOS = iPhone 5S image.
_WP = Windows Phone image.

I will take a few more later, and add to this folder.

I have to say I much prefer the iPhones photos there. The 930 has a real blue tint on the photos.

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I have to say I much prefer the iPhones photos there. The 930 has a real blue tint on the photos.

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This is my biggest issue so far with the 930. Yeah great I can use Lightroom to edit photos (which i have done previously) but sometimes I just want to be able to point and shoot. I don't want to be messing around setting it up. I have a DSLR for that.

I will try some low-light photo's tonight once i am home. I will also take some comparisons as i walk home.

I will update shortly, and let you all know when i have uploaded.
L930 photos are a bit on colder side aren't they ? At least compared to iPhone 5S.

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L930 photos are a bit on colder side aren't they ? At least compared to iPhone 5S.

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All on auto mode, i did not touch any settings at all. I thought that would be a fairer comparison. And tbh its show most consumers will use their device - point, snap, look at pic.
It's amazing that with all the bells and whistles of the 930 and other android devices, Apple still has it just right. Yes the photos taken on a 1020/930 should and could be better than the 5s but really unless you play with the manual controls it's almost difficult to tell.

Looks like I'm going to have to sell my 930 and wait for the iphone 6. I have been very underwhelmed by the photo quality, not too mention the purplish display issue

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