I see the 735 has issues with sim slot ... It's difficult to remove it from slot because its locked by metal and no way to push it from thar side to get out from the opening side ... What about Lumia 730 ... This issues is here too in 730 or not
forums.wpcentral.com/showthread/315530.htmWhere did you read that?? The sim card clicks into place I've have no problems
my lumia 730 is taking very grainy pictures .. too dissapointed with the camera
Great photos. Maybe they are not super sharp (sharp enough, though), but when you look at the photo as a whole (colors, tonality, contrast, etc.) they look really great. This time did you use any sort of tripod? Which photo mode? (some photos don't have EXIF, so I could not see)
No EXIF data tthat's odd. No I never used a tripod I don't have one I have very steady hands. As for sharpness your not going to get super sharp photos on any mobile on night shots. I'll do some fresh daytime ones soon when the sun comes back out. The photos are all manual
Don't misunderstand me about the sharpness issue, it is really great for a night photo made with a phone AND taken without tripod.
I wish I had such a steady hands as yours. I always need to find some place to put the camera :-(
About the EXIF, I use the software Irfanview, and never had any issue before. Maybe EXIF was deleted when you uploaded them, or if you processed them? I have noticed that the one with EXIF is about 1.6 MB, while the others are much more compressed, and come at about 600 KB each.
Hey.. can you tell me "double tap to wakeup" feature is available in 735 or not???
if possible share screenshot of double tap to wakeup setting page..
Hey.. can you tell me "double tap to wakeup" feature is available in 735 or not???
if possible share screenshot of double tap to wakeup setting page..
it exists on all Lumia devices but this is not the thread to ask questions about the features.