After the Amber update heres what I noticed. Using Nokia Pro Cam, you take a picture, then you get a quick 1-2 second preview of it where the colors and white balance look great along with sharpness. Then, you go into the hd viewer to look at it and you can see it quickly change before your eyes. Yellowish tint and soft. VERY ugly pictures coming from this phone now. The white balance is completely out to lunch. Adjusting white balance manually only makes it worse. But its not just pro cam that the issue is with. Default camera adds the gross yellowish tint as well, along with going totally soft. If Nokia does not fix this disgusting mess I will never buy a Lumia phone again. And I was considering the 1020. I know I don't make a difference to them, but I like a camera that works. And right now, that just about any other phone. I did notice Nokia pulled pro cam from the store,,probably to try and fix it. But the issue is not just with pro cam, its what they changed in the amber update. This phone is more than capable of destroying the competition in the camera department, as you can see from the quick previews you get using pro cam, but Nokia is NOT smart about there post-processing techniques.