Pictures and videos sync to Skydrive


New member
Dec 4, 2010
Hi, everyone. I have a few SkyDrive questions:

1. I just enabled "Automatically upload to SkyDrive." Does that start from that point on or will it upload what I already have on my camera roll?

2. Can I do a manual picture sync to SkyDrive? If so, how?

3. Does Skydrive sync the videos taken with your phone? That could really hurt my paltry data plan (200MB) if it does.
With a 200MB data plan, you may wish to reconsider automatically uploading anything (unless of course, you're always near a wifi hotspot, which negates any worries about the size of your data plan).
Maybe I'll disable the auto upload when I'm on 3G. The trick is remembering to do it.

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Hi, everyone. I have a few SkyDrive questions:

1. I just enabled "Automatically upload to SkyDrive." Does that start from that point on or will it upload what I already have on my camera roll?

2. Can I do a manual picture sync to SkyDrive? If so, how?

3. Does Skydrive sync the videos taken with your phone? That could really hurt my paltry data plan (200MB) if it does.

1. Pretty sure it starts from the point you enabled it.

2. Yes, you select the photo by doing a tap and hold and selecting Share or viewing the file and toggling Share from the ellipses.

3. Yes, might be manual upload though. I haven't really used this feature.

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