Pictures taken with your Samsung Focus


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Let's see them folks! Took this idea from Forum Admin "Big D5" in the Arrive sub-forums.
Uploaded a couple to Photobucket =)


my boy; always goofing off. ha.


yours truly... had to crop the image. this was a night pic.

Great pics, minus that "Comerica Park" picture, but for a different reason... Go Yankees! haha.

i got into the gow3 beta as well. won a code off the forums. i wasted my code that i entered from the pre-order. wondering if gstop will give me another so i can give it to my friend.
Click on each image to see a full view.

The view from my seats on Opening Day at Comerica Park, Detroit, MI.

Code redemption screen on my PC for the Gears of War 3 Multiplayer Beta.

The boot up screen for the Gears of War 3 Multiplayer Beta.

One of my favorite Metallica songs came on the satellite feed.

This is my workstation where I refurbish cable boxes and DVR's.
now that's weird... lol. i had to have seen your post before i made mine. how'd yours end up after mine. lol.
My pics

Here is a few of my pics. One of just some budding branch and two of my dog in the park and playing in muddy water on a fairly dark and overcast day. The dog ones are fairly good considering the dog is moving constantly in the pics!
This might not be taken WITH the phone, but it's taken OF the phone... more like the home screen... having a dev unlocked device (THROUGH REAL MEANS!!!! No Chevron here anymore) has it's benefits... you can do dumb things like this!

Here are some I took during Spring Break with the family. Used this more than our point and shoot. Thought it did pretty good.
i want to add some pics, but how do i do this?

download Photobucket or upload to your skydrive and post the link here.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
It was a partially cloudy day today so I decided to take some pics while I was walking along the St. Joseph River. First, let me say that it's really hard to get the camera to focus on the foreground and not the background. It's even harder to get it to stay that way. As you can see in my first set, the first image came out how I wanted it to, the next had mixed results, lol.
I love how these flowers came out. The sun was covered up in the second pic hence the massive color difference.
Figure 8 Dash, if you are taking pictures that close, go to the settings and change the AF mode from Normal to Macro. Macro mode is for close up images like that. That will fix the problem you mentioned of not focusing on the background.

Do not forget when outdoors with vibrant colors to try turning on the Wide Dynamic Range!
Figure 8 Dash, if you are taking pictures that close, go to the settings and change the AF mode from Normal to Macro. Macro mode is for close up images like that. That will fix the problem you mentioned of not focusing on the background.

Do not forget when outdoors with vibrant colors to try turning on the Wide Dynamic Range!

Thanks for the Dynamic Range and Macro advice. I tried Macro once before but didn't get the result I wanted so I totally forgot to try it again today.

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