Transfăgărășan - Rom?nia , Rucar - Romania , Vidraru Barrage - Romania

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Transfagarasan: world's best road trip according to Top Gear
The Transfagarasan mountain road or national road 7C is one of the most spectacular roads in the world. It is 90 km (56 miles) long and is located in Romania. It runs trough the Fagaras mountains (trans + Fagaras), a part of the Transsylvanian Alps. The road connects Transsylvania with Muntenia. The Transfagarasan starts at Bascov, near Pite?ti. It follows the valley of the river Argea and after mounting to the highest point, it descends to Cartisoara in the Olt valley, where the road ends.
The Transfagarasan rises to a height of 2134 meter and has sharp hairpin turns, a challenge for every driver. The maximum speed is 40km/h (25 miles/h). The road is often closed from October till June due to the snow that is blocking the road. Sometimes the road can be open as late as November, but on the other hand it has been known to snow as late as August so it's always good to check ahead of time on the weather and road conditions.
The road has more tunnels and viaducts then any other road in Romania. On the highest point of the Transfagarasan near Balea Lac (Balea-lake) is located the longest (ca. 875 m/0.53miles), and highest tunnel of Romania. This tunnel is the connection between Transsylvania and Walachia. In September 2009 the British television show Top Gear was filming along the road. Host Jeremy Clarkson claimed the Transfagarasan as the best road in the world.