Pictures / Video taken with your 1020

Wow thanks for the advice. I am limiting my search to the best color of course, yellow :)

Edit: Just looked, there is only one on there, and they want $144 for a phone with drop marks and dings around the edges. I think I will keep looking...
Mounted my 1020 in a Beastgrip and purchased a few accessories.

Here is an unassisted shot of a nickle. I swear this is as close as I can get and focus on the subject.


Then I added a +10 macro "filter" which let me get closer.


And then close still when I stacked the +10, +4 and +2 together. :cool:

Decided to take a random picture while I was walking. Cropped using the default Photos app. Also used the Mercury filter and added a vignette. Then slightly sharpened the foreground in Photoshop Elements. Spent like 5 mins on it.

Original Image

Fooling around with a cheapo 15x Macro

Pix 2 is 25% of original resolution.


  • ProShot_20170714_23339 (25pct).jpg
    ProShot_20170714_23339 (25pct).jpg
    261.3 KB · Views: 10
BIG moth hanging out on the screen of my doorwall this late afternoon. Huge fellow. Approximately a 6" wingspan.

So I have my 1020 mounted in the Beastgrip and I attached my Panasonic 3.5x telephoto then I went outside and shot the bugger.

Here's the 5MP oversample of the shot I worked with first.


I loaded the DNG file of the above in Fotor and cropped in, preserving the 16:9 aspect ratio. This gave me a 1.1MP image when I exported it as a JPG of the highest quality.

dng to.jpg

Here's a 5:3 crop from the 5MP oversample file done with Office Picture Manager. Yields 0.9MP.

5mp crop 3-5.jpg

Taking the DNG to JPG crop in that was done in Fotor, I loaded that into Polarr Pro and made the following adjustments: temperature -20, vibrance +30, saturation -8, dehaze +28, highlight -66, shadow +25, clarity +16, sharpness +48 and denoise color +30.

temp-20 vibr30 sat-8 dehaze28 hilight-66 shadow25 clarity16 sharp48denclr30.jpg

Here's a different shot which was cropped 16:9 from the DNG file. It was taken from a bit further back and it has no additional edits other than the crop in. Yield is 2.0MP.

dng to.jpg

The white balance on the last shot was set to "Cloudy" and it was auto for the first. The lighting was overcast with incandescent backlight coming from the interior of my apartment.
He's still just hanging out. It also started getting dark (dusk actually).

Mounted my 144 LED light rack and a +10 macro filter. Set the light at 30% brightness and 4400 for the temperature.

Here's a 3072 x 1728 (5.3MP) oversample.


Took the DNG file from that shot to Fotor, hit it with autoadjust and saved as JPG. The result is 7720 x 4344 (33.5MP) and weighs in at 34.6MB. If you want to see that it's on OneDrive:!AkvY2_b6DBA3jIoL3hfxVCWyJIjdFA
ND 1000 filter. The shot was full auto and done at 1/17 second and ISO 800. I took the DNG, opened in Fotor, saturation maxed, brightness +20, then I applied a diagonal band tilt shift to match the angle of the fountain heads with a tight focus on the geysers... Reduce in Office Picture Manager.

I'm waiting for the Pixel 3 and I just returned my flagship device for a budget device while I take some time away from social media. What I completely forgot about was the serious drop off in picture quality and then a lightbulb went off in my head. Yep. I'm spending the entire summer using the 1020 as my photo device to capture the summer memories while I wait for October. This should be interesting. Here are a few DIY portrait mode shots I did in Photoshop. I love editing from the RAW files of the 1020. I was a little sloppy with the second pic but I'll have a lot more to post as I perfect my editing skills.

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