Pictures / Video taken with your 1020

My buddy Rocky wants to say hi, again. :)
(Yes, that's a shock collar. We use it because you can remotely make it do a "beeping" noise and it's fun to watch him trying to figure out where it's coming from, haha)
Going Macro!

Laptop DC Jack

Laptop RAM Stick

What filters or program did you use for your dog and the tree. Looks awesome.
What filters or program did you use for your dog and the tree. Looks awesome.

To keep things as close to the term "Pictures taken with your 1020," as possible, I edit all of my photos using Nokia's Creative Studio. I could use Photoshop/Lightroom etc., but I want to keep things OEM :)
Same. I do use Imagenomic noise reduction in photoshop. Simply awesome.
Only other thing is altering color balance and using selective color to reduce yellowing, along with unsharp mask of eyes to make portraits pop.

I'm actually starting a mobile photography unit with my Grade 9 class. They were impressed by the 1020 and want to learn how to do mobile photography. Should be fun.
For basics, nokia creative studio is fine. But im assuming its not playing with the full res images? another thing thats really lacking is contrast! hopefully when RAW comes, an update for it will too.
I took my 1020 on a holiday to Spain last week, it was perfect for snapping shots of the kids. It was the only camera I had with me. Here are some shots I took.





When editing photos on the computer, do you use the full res one or the 5mp version?

Depends what you are doing. Light editing and cropping, you might be better using the 5mp, because that has been created using nokias oversampling, instead of your own resizing. Nokias may look better since its tuned specifically for those photos.

Any heavy editing though, using lightroom or something, definitely use the full res as you will have details to play with. When RAW support comes out, this will be amazing.
Depends what you are doing. Light editing and cropping, you might be better using the 5mp, because that has been created using nokias oversampling, instead of your own resizing. Nokias may look better since its tuned specifically for those photos.

Any heavy editing though, using lightroom or something, definitely use the full res as you will have details to play with. When RAW support comes out, this will be amazing.

I'm not agree. I would agree with you with a 808 PIC, but not with a 1020 one.
The higher resolution you have to edit, the better quality you can get. Usually, applying filters and that stuff make pics become noisier, and with a higher resolution you can reduce noise and oversample after that to retain a good quality and detail with less noise than with the small size pic.
Of course it would be better if you had the raw file, but it's still better editing the high resolution jpeg than the small one.

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hmm...debating whether or not to upgrade my 920 to the 1020. really want the camera. But I keep seeing that the corners are really out of focus. Nokia didn't have this issue with the 808. Can anyone confirm if this is hardware issue or if the corner blur is fixed in Proshot or other apps? Or how easy is it to fix in LR5?


hmm...debating whether or not to upgrade my 920 to the 1020. really want the camera. But I keep seeing that the corners are really out of focus. Nokia didn't have this issue with the 808. Can anyone confirm if this is hardware issue or if the corner blur is fixed in Proshot or other apps? Or how easy is it to fix in LR5?
It's the hardware. Two weeks ago I commented on that question here, maybe you'll find the article useful that I linked to there.

And here vlad0 advises on how you can avoid that blur.

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