Pictures / Video taken with your 1020

I am using photoshop for post-edit. The fifth picture is original from the phone. There is capabilities in that device. Not only in it but a lot of the modern phone. I've got many more pictures and will post from time to time and thank you :)

This is at midnightWP_20140123_23_03_51_Raw__highres_resize.jpg
Been always amazed by the resolution-related capabilities of the L1020, and whenever I take it out of its case fellow Lumia users never fail to recognize the iconic "Oreo-sized pimple rising from the poly-carbonate finish", as one of our friends in PocketNow put it. From pseudo-macro to pseudo-tele (pseudo since I just reframed the shot or used SoZoom), the L1020 has never failed to impress (of course with the appropriate ISO to compensate for graininess for very distant subjects).

Here are some of my shots with SoZoom, security micro-prints to distant road signs alike. Some shots were blurry (my apologies) since I was on a moving vehicle.

Talk about safety:

How about Ignore the No-Parking Sign?

Fine Prints:

LCD Screen Crystals/Pixels:

One can even distinctly see objects so distant and are barely visible to the naked eye:

The shots in this thread are awesome, and while I'm not a professional photographer yet, I hope to get there soon.:grin:
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Must admit that I'm not a huge fan of post-processing editing....but I think that's down to the fact that I don't have the knowledge to do it!

All my pics are untouched, although some are reframed thanks to the excellent resolution on the 1020.

Would love to experiment more with post-processing but it seems so time consuming. I take hundreds of photos and I just can't imagine having the time to sit down and edit them one by one. How long does it take to touch up photos in PS or other apps?

Gonna have a little mess around with HDR as all the processing is done on the phone so little interaction is required from me. I have seen some impressive HDR images on this thread but quite a few just seem 'wrong' for want of a better word.
How long does it take to touch up photos in PS or other apps?

That depends on how much you want to modify your image. But, generally, the L1020 takes decently good photos with the settings in full-auto, so a few adjustments in light balance (the most common adjustment I make with L1020-taken shots) should take less than a minute or so per image in PS. If you're into adding more effects onto your image, then it would definitely take more time - I used to spend 5-15 minutes adding effects to photos, but again that depends on how much modifications you're going to do. The GOOD NEWS is that "photo bombers" can be easily removed with Nokia's Smart Cam in SECONDS, compared to the traditional methods in PS. Also, Nokia's Smart Cam, as with most apps in the Store, can render effects onto the image in SECONDS in the L1020. The (slightly) BAD NEWS is that most (if not all) of these effects are applied on the lower resolution (5MP) copy of the image, so if you would like to edit the higher 34 or 38MP image, the traditional of copying your image name_highres.jpg file to your laptop/desktop and then PS may still be your best bet*.

* - I might be wrong here: that not all apps have access to the higher resolution images taken by the L1020. In my experience only SoZoom and Zoom (aside from Nokia Camera and the native Windows Camera app of course) were able to access the higher resolution images.
All settings auto and no post processing. In Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Look for the app Vid2Pix in the store... It allows you to slow down the video by frame and take pics,,,This is how I captured mine
Beautiful weather here before the storm hit so took the family back to Culzean Castle to explore the caves and beach


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M4 light trails. All taken handheld as my tripod died. Conditions weren't ideal as it was a little light still.
Little experiment with Nokia Creative Studio. Wasn't happy with the original photo so thought it would be an ideal candidate for some tweaking:

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