Laura Knotek
Retired Moderator
- Mar 31, 2012
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The birds are cute!
Beautiful monday morning
Sent from my RM-821_eu_croatia_511 using Tapatalk
View attachment 68923View attachment 68926 random shots!
Plz..Advice , Hard Reset s an option for Camera Clarity???????
Images are not sharp,Photos I take with 920 in day light and lowlight are not sharp and appears soft. Something like yellowish bug
Wait for the Cyan update but you can try a hard reset as it has fixed my camera in the past when I had overly blurry photos in low light or other small issues. You can see from some of my more recent photos that I don't have many issues currently. That was after a hard reset.
Had a funny read today)
In a "so-call-leading" gadget forum in my county, there's a thread to introduce about Nokia Lumia 930 and there're people that keep saying these things:
-"I've used up to 2 Lumia devices"
-"I guarantee that the fastest shutter speed of Lumia devices is 0.5s, which means even worse than other phones"
-"Have you ever tried to set the shutter speed, cause it's 0.5s at most"
-"Setting shutter speed won't help. Setting shutter speed only use for long exposure, in bright day, the speed isn't any faster than auto"
-"Where the hell did you get that 1/16000s information? From halvl?" (haivl is a website kinda like 9gag)
And many more people agree with those statements =)) I don't even... really =))