Hi guys, I found this thread following a little experiment I did to my iPhone.
I bought a can of PlastiDip because I wanted to PlastiDip something...anything.
The idea came to me to PlastiDip my phone. not like the creator of this thread...
I started with the idea to seal it , and then use silicon dust caps to plug the ports.
I got very carried away, and ended trying to fill the entire inside compartment with PlastiDip. Essentially stopping the possibility of water entering the casing. Also completely covering all electronics.
NUTS I hear you say ? Maybe , but well worth the fun...
Sadly it had two fails. As the PlastiDip was dripping wet , it Ozzed , and Ozzed like it was going out of fashion. It Ozzed out of the data port, which in its self isn't a problem as once dry it pulled out in one lump. The problems started when I turned it on. The Apple logo came up , but it was slightly orange. What the PlastiDip gotten between the LED display and the back light ? I don't know , but I now suspect it's between the LED display and the front glass. Also the speakers are muffled. I had hoped that the speakers would have been clear but as they aren't flush with the bezel ...
had I used Clear PlastiDip I wouldn't have lost daytime outdoor use of the phone. And the speakers should been clear able with a pair of tweezers. BUT I used orange. I opened it , and the battery was stuck to the inside of the rear cover , and I managed to tear the connection. Only 5? off eBay.
I've devised an alternative method to waterproof it. But as I'm the type of person who can take a phone apart, I'll only end up doing it wrong and breaking a film connector ,
So, the idea now is to ask the phone repair shop if they want to join me in a bit of R&D. I'll wave any liability , if they agree to replace the front screen and fused display.
The idea being when theyv got it apart , they : spray the inside of the front section , sealing the LED screen between the front glass and PlastiDip. Then spray the front side ofmall the electrics , replace them , then spray the back of them. Totally cocooning the internals.
I'm thinking the speaker faces are probably plastic so, as long as the unit they are part of is sealed, it seem they would be waterproof.
Same method , for the ports. silicon dust caps maybe boosting the seal some how, and a small application of PlastiDip to seal the edge of the SIM card tray to the bezels and the Home button. . I recon the entire phone would operate fully completely submerged.
What do you make of this idea.