Windows Central Question
Launching wconnect
Creating session...
Please enter the pin for the device to be paired and connected: h5a9G6
There was a problem booting the Windows Bridge for Android platform on the Windows device. (Error code = 14)
Please help me im getting this error. My windows phone is upto date to the latest windows 10 update. and i get this error ive factory reset my phone loads of times... and still get this error :'( (Windows phone Lumia 635 1GB ram) Windows 10 Mobile (10.0.14393.448) My PC is also running windows 10 latest update
Creating session...
Please enter the pin for the device to be paired and connected: h5a9G6
There was a problem booting the Windows Bridge for Android platform on the Windows device. (Error code = 14)
Please help me im getting this error. My windows phone is upto date to the latest windows 10 update. and i get this error ive factory reset my phone loads of times... and still get this error :'( (Windows phone Lumia 635 1GB ram) Windows 10 Mobile (10.0.14393.448) My PC is also running windows 10 latest update