Pocket File Manager. The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card! + 6 Clouds

re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

New version has been submitted to review. Now with SD Card support. But do not expect magic!
As I wrote before, SD Card on Windows Phone is quite useless thing. Application has only read only access and can read files only registered with this application. You cannot read Music files, Pictures, Movies and all kind of documents! They just not visible to application.
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

New version has been submitted to review. Now with SMTP Client you can send any files by email!
Supported plain and SSL connections.
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

Want to inform you about new version with preview in files panel!
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

Updated version with Google Drive support now live in Marketplace.
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

Hello i have a problem with ftp server. I tried to log in using firefox but it does not load any web pages. I tried wptorrent ftp share and its working fine.
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

What does it show? Is login succeed? Can you check other ftp client?
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

Hi, got the app today, works so far well and intuitively. One problen arose - trying to open documents in (from other party) shared folders in dropbox did not function. Did not yet try the other cloud service providers regarding this feature. Thanks in advance, FS
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

Dropbox provides no direct links for files like SkyDrive does. So you have to copy it to local storage before opening.
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

ok thanks for fast reply!
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

is there a limitation to displayed files in a folder. Just came across the fact, that in Pocket File Manager not all files from Box are shown which have been synced. In the Box-App all appx. 500 files are shown. Thanks in advance!
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

Should be no limitation, but I never stored so many files in one folder. I will check it
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

Any feedback to this?
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

tested with more than 500 files. No problems found.
I though I sent reply via email.
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

Is there any way to acess the download folder of wpTorrentPro with Pocket?
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

No. Application has access only to its own isolated storage. But if there are fils supported by PFM , wptorrent can send them to PFM. Also PFM has support for special file extention which can be used to send any files to PFM
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

New updated version of Pocket File Manager now in Marketplace. Now you can preview PDF filers directly inside the application.
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

New update just passed certification.
- Improved Photo library support. Now you can see albums inside other albums
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

I love the app, great work even with the limitations of windows phone!
Here is my question: The app "File Manager" acess the music library, can it be done with Pocket? (I'm asking as a new feature, not with the actual version of pocket)!

Another one:
I downloaded a file (.mkv) with wpTorrentPro, renamed it to RAR and opened it with Pocket, result, file saved in pocket internal storage and I downloaded a subtitle (.srt). I use yxplayer 8 to see videos with subtitles and I want to download a video torrent and see it with subtitle, can I use pocket to open the downloaded file with yxplayer? (open a saved file in pocket with an specific app)

Thanks and great job!
re: Pocket File Manager (The only application with FTP Server and File Manager)

1. I am thinking about it. Not a problem to implement. I just don't understand why? You can start playing music in music hub as well as delete it . No additional features could be implemented in PFM for music as we (developers) has no direct access to music files.

2. About video files. There is no way to SEND file to another application. Only ask System to open file with supported extension. Yxplayer should implement this feature to accept video files and subtitle files. Of course we have a limitation here. Application cannot overwrite system reserved extensions like .mp4 and so on. So Yxplayer must register its own extension, for example .yxp. You, as user, rename files by adding .yxp to the name of file (myvideo.mp4 to myvideo.mp4.ypx) and open it from PFM.

Pocket File Manager registered special extension .cfs. So any application can open file in PFM by adding this extension to the file name.

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