Poor Battery Life Since Amber Update

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Jul 30, 2013
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Question to all indian L920 owners, how many of you have had better battery since Amber.. I know its too soon to even ask about battery life.. Well to start off I had a soddy battery life with my yellow L920.. overheating draining u name it I had the problem.. Got it exchanged to a black L920, which settled down in abt 3 - 4 days and gave me 40 hrs of battery life on moderate use - typically defined as few phone calls, text's, music, browsing and lots of whatsapp ( hate it for the battery drain caused by it :eck: ) ...

Since the amber update on 15th .. i barely manage to get 26 hrs out of my phone on similar use.. same apps... Does amber need time to settle down.. coz I have seen post's where ppl have gone gaga about battery life since amber... Same app's, same useage .. forgot to mention 40 hrs on Edge pre amber to 26 hrs post amber on EDGE :unhappysweat: ..

any clues on what might be wrong :unhappy: .. Did do a soft reset after the update and always soft reset the phone after whats app update...


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Mar 21, 2013
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Same problem here in my 920. From India too. Phone is always connected 2g. No glance, but double tap to wake is activated. Battery life is quite bad after the update. My phones average discharge rate used to be around 3 to 4%, now its 8 to 12%. Hope it gets better.

Or can it be the double tap to wake that's killing battery. The phone does mention that double tap to wake takes extra power.


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Mar 17, 2013
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As before.. You need to cycle your battery before the benefits are seen.
Less heat up and longer battery life with Amber. Great update to an already amazing OS!!!!


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Mar 14, 2013
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As before.. You need to cycle your battery before the benefits are seen.
Less heat up and longer battery life with Amber. Great update to an already amazing OS!!!!

For me, it's completely the opposite. Before amber my phone wouldn't heat up abnormaly like I read in some threads here and my battery was bad, would last 12 - 16 hours max. Now after amber, my phone heats up so much sometimes that I can barely hold it in my hand! And, my battery lasts a maximum of 6 - 8 hours only !!!

But I flashed mine with the euro DEV ROM. So I'm hoping this is the problem. I'm waiting until the original firmware for my phone carrier gets the Amber update so I can flash it back with it and see if it makes a difference ...

If not, I'll just buy a new battery online, open the phone and switch it ...


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Sep 13, 2012
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I updated to Amber two days ago and so far my battery life has been exceptional. Earlier it used to drain at the rate of 5% per hour and not it is around 3% for same usage. I've activated both glance and double tap to wake. I also love the new Nokia ring tone :) Moreover, I want to give a try to keep the clock on all the time to see how it burns the battery as I had it on all my earlier Nokia phones...

Doctor Pork

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Jul 20, 2013
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Thus far my experience is that the battery life is clearly better than before the amber update. Easily last through the day now and less drain in idle.


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Nov 16, 2012
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Is your data network on ??? wjat about glance and double tap to wake..

I have the same experience with Amber, just like "Doctor Pork" ... I am using glance - peek, night clock (red digits for night time) and double tap to wake - it works well ... but I do not recommend use glance always on as Lumia 920 has not amoled display (so glance - peek for Lumia 920)

EDIT: yes, data always on, 24/7 ...
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Mar 21, 2013
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I tried removing the double tap feature. The glance feature is off, never switched it on.
My battery life is almost the same with this glance feature whether its on or off.
Not liking amber coz it screwed up my battery life. 😞
Anything I can do to at least get my battery life as that of before amber ?
Soft reset and reboot has not helped either
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