Portico Update Feedback

New sunlight readability and brightness with battery saver, chat backup and a use facebook chat option, internet and mms apn(I think this is new?)
My feedback is Nokia is taking the proverbial. It is absolutely ridiculous that those of who had to wait longer and pay MASSIVELY more for an unbranded should be forced to wait months for an update that is already available and finished.

You paid massively more not to get in front of update line, but you paid more to get an unlock and small stuff like headphones in the box.
front facing camera is MILES better now. Before the update, it couldn't even compare to FFC on Lumia 900.
If anyone was getting errors running and updating Nokia apps (8103010d, for example), this seems to have fixed that problem! I was able to download my formerly-problematic extras+info app update and run the app successfully after having updated my phone. Spreading the word, since this is thrilling news to me.
I'm on ATT and so far everything as gone great, it rebooted and the gears are spinning for I would say the update, what I'm suprised about is that I have been doing the entire update on battery ... The only thing it would not let me do is the update over my LTE I needed to sign into a wireless connection, even though my LTE is Faster than Wireless..
I didnt know that was getting updated to..

less fuzzy? just better picture quality overall?

definitely more sharpness to it. Before update, my ffc always looked milky and pretty much unusable. Now, it's on par with Lumia 900.
I'm in the process of updating and the gears have been spinning for a really long time (almost 30 minutes now). How long did it take for you guys to install the update?
Has anyone notice the audio update? volume and sound quality are much better. Fuller sound at lower audio levels it seems.
Just finished the update a few moments ago and it looks like they may have fixed some live tile issues.

As soon as everything came back online the Store popped up with several updates for me (Flixster, Amazon Mobile) Before I wasn't really getting any update notifications.

The phone did get really warm for a few minutes and it's seemed to calm down. I'm assuming it might have just been doing some background work after the install (cleanup?) even though I had no apps in the background.
Has anyone notice the audio update? volume and sound quality are much better. Fuller sound at lower audio levels it seems.

would be nice for music playback volume to be separate from call ring volume.. blah, was hoping for that
I'm in the process of updating and the gears have been spinning for a really long time (almost 30 minutes now). How long did it take for you guys to install the update?

The spinning gears only lasted about 5 minutes for me. Then it restarted and started migrating my data. The last time my Lumia 920 was stuck on the spinning gears was when it got bricked from doing a factory reset... :X
eharris55: Does that go for dialing aswell, no more having your own voice enhanced by the speaker?
I'm in the process of updating and the gears have been spinning for a really long time (almost 30 minutes now). How long did it take for you guys to install the update?

The 4 updates after the wheels are taking quite sometime but I'm sure its worth the wait...

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