Portico Update Feedback

The spinning gears only lasted about 5 minutes for me. Then it restarted and started migrating my data. The last time my Lumia 920 was stuck on the spinning gears was when it got bricked from doing a factory reset... :X

I've been having intermittent issues with the phone for the past 3 days, it seems like I will need to swap this for another Lumia 920 (especially if it gets stuck updating forever). Luckily, I am still within the 14 day time period so I shouldn't have too much difficulty exchanging it. I've been having issues with battery life (usually dies within 6-8 hours), no audio on calls (must soft reset to fix), data connection cuts in and out, and now it seems to be stuck in the middle of the Portico update.
I've been having intermittent issues with the phone for the past 3 days, it seems like I will need to swap this for another Lumia 920 (especially if it gets stuck updating forever). Luckily, I am still within the 14 day time period so I shouldn't have too much difficulty exchanging it. I've been having issues with battery life (usually dies within 6-8 hours), no audio on calls (must soft reset to fix), data connection cuts in and out, and now it seems to be stuck in the middle of the Portico update.

Sounds like bad luck to me. Swapping it out might be a good idea. I swapped mine out, and after a successful factory reset (for my own user error) I average about 14-18 hrs on moderate to moderately-heavy use. And btw, my update just finished. Went smoothly so yours probably shouldn't be taking that long.
Give it time, the whole process lasted around 15 min for me, maybe more, I wasn't really timing it. the spinning gears definitely lasted more than 5 min for me.
I started the update at approximately 10:15am PST, it's already been almost an hour and the gears are still spinning. :'(
i passed the spining gear about 10 minutes ago and it shows a nokia icon since then....am i stuck?
I'm on AT&T in SLC and was able to find the update and get it installed. It took over 30 minutes to complete (likely due to the amount of data I have on my device).


The one thing I noticed that they didn't fix was the Linked Inbox start tile reappearing on reboot. If you delete the Linked Inbox from the Start screen, and reboot, you'll see after the reboot completes that the Linked Inbox reappears on the start screen.

This should be fixed. If you delete it, it should stay deleted.

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I'm on ATT and so far everything as gone great, it rebooted and the gears are spinning for I would say the update, what I'm suprised about is that I have been doing the entire update on battery ... The only thing it would not let me do is the update over my LTE I needed to sign into a wireless connection, even though my LTE is Faster than Wireless..

Yeah... Good thing I carry my Focus S around with me. I used internet sharing through that and it's downloading now. Slowly, but I don't leave work for another hour anyway. :)
i passed the spining gear about 10 minutes ago and it shows a nokia icon since then....am i stuck?
it catches on and doingbthe 4 data steps now. Takes about twenty minutes for it to get pass the nokia icon
Mine downloaded everything and is now stuck on the phone update screen with an Update status of "preparing to install 100%" and has been that was for abt 5 min now. I'm not supposed to reboot myself manually am I?

UPDATE: it just started rebooting. So I guess it does stick that way for 5 minutes. So far this is the "chunky"-est slowest update of any phone I've owned
I just made a new thread but my brightness is pulsating between low and high as soon as my update finished...crap.
Mine downloaded everything and is now stuck on the phone update screen with an Update status of "preparing to install 100%" and has been that was fro abt 5 min now. I'm not supposed to reboot myself manually am I?

No! At least, don't be so hasty. Mine sat on 100% for a little bit before it asked me to begin the actual update process.
Mine downloaded everything and is now stuck on the phone update screen with an Update status of "preparing to install 100%" and has been that was fro abt 5 min now. I'm not supposed to reboot myself manually am I?

give it another 10 min or so a message asking you to proceed or not will apear=]

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